Date: 2022.10.15
At the Best of MOME '22 event, the best of this year's MA degree projects of the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts will be presented in the form of short presentations, starting at six o'clock in the evening of October 15 in the MOME Auditorium.

How can the well-known symbols of folk decorative art be rewritten into contemporary fashion, representing current meaning? How can a well-designed bedside lamp help a restful sleep? Can the photographer be considered a threshold person in a social and cultural sense? What surfaces and textures can be created from the sustainable recycling of waste glass?

We will hear more than 10 presentations, including from the fields of object design, animation, photography, architecture, and design.

The diploma work presentations are followed by a round table discussion with the heads of the different Institutes of MOME, in which the university's current aspirations, new directions, and future plans for the training are discussed.

From the presentations of recent graduate students, we can learn about the questions and problems that concern the youngest generation of designers and the various designer responses to them.


Design Institute:

Formatervező művész MA: Nagy Tamás Máté

Ékszertervezés és fémművesség MA: Sógor Sarolt

Kerámiatervezés MA: Gereczné Deák Zsuzsanna

Divat- és textiltervezés MA: Papp Zsófia


Institute for Theoretical Studies:

Designelmélet MA: Pszota Dalma

Design- és művészetmenedzsment MA: Nyolczas Gitta

Design- és vizuálisművészet-tanár MA: Tendli Noémi


Institute of Architecture:

Építőművész MA: Borenich Levente 

Media Institute:

Animáció MA: Teleki Kitti

Fotográfia MA: Máli Fanni

Média design MA: Misota Dániel

Tervezőgrafika MA: Tassy Fanni

The event is part of the official program series of Budapest Design Week 2022.

More news

The University of the Future initiative is a key focus this year, aimed at MOME’s comprehensive revitalisation. Thanks to persistent efforts over recent months, working groups have developed a detailed implementation plan for the University of the Future programme, a.k.a. the “Three Schools model”, which was unanimously accepted in December 2023. The process has now reached a new milestone: on 18 July, the Senate has pledged its support for the plan, paving the way for continued collaborative work to implement the new structure by next winter and to transform MOME into one of Europe's leading design higher education institutions.

Our University has been invited to exhibit at one of the world's most prestigious digital art festivals, the Ars Electronica 2024. Each year, the Campus series of the long-standing festival presents an art university. This year's exhibition is organised in collaboration with the University of Linz, and will feature outstanding student diploma works from recent years in Linz's main square selected by curators Judit Eszter Kárpáti, Esteban de la Torre, and Ágoston Nagy.

A new symbol has been added to the range of memorabilia that members of the MOME community can receive as they reach various milestones in their university careers. This new emblem, which reinforces a sense of belonging, is a turned and machined bronze item with a polished surface based on the letter ‘O’ in MOME’s logo. Designed by MOME MA teacher Krisztián Ádám at the initiative of Rector József Fülöp, this symbol will be awarded to all graduates at all levels along with the diplomas starting in 2024.
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