MOME students win awards at the National Ceramic Art Triennale

Date: 2024.04.01
Works by our former and current Ceramic Design students were featured in an exhibition as part of the National Ceramics Art Triennale in Pécs at the Zsolnay Quarter, and won awards in several categories.

With a long-standing tradition of several decades, the event provided a fresh perspective on contemporary Hungarian silicate art, and is the single largest exhibition of contemporary Hungarian ceramic design scene to date. Over 200 pieces by a hundred artists were on display, who experimented with a wide range of materials and alternative solutions.  

The main prize of the Artistic Ceramics category went to Viktória Maróti, who earned her Master’s degree from MOME in 2018, and has recently had an exhibition in Kecskemét entitled As If. MOME teacher Péter Kemény was presented with the collectors’ prize donated by Lajos Barabás és Márkó Zsdrál. Several student prizes were also awarded: with Matyas Zagiba receiving the one offered by Budapest Kerámia Kft. and Eszter Tábi the one offered by MOME.   

The concept of Mátyás Zagiba’s set Gemerske – pour over took its cue from the traditions of ceramics design in Gömör. As the designer revealed, he explored ceramics design in Gömör and its contemporary reinterpretation with the purpose of creating a set that is linked to Gömör ceramics but reinvents it in a contemporary spirit. 

Eszter Tábi's Reminder I-II, a stone - porcelain mass decorative plate was also recognised for its design, which focuses on arranging simple, regular geometric shapes within proportional systems to achieve various optical effects. The uniqueness of the artwork lies in projecting the pattern onto the dishes using a custom-designed analogue tool and then filling the carved out lines with porcelain mass. According to the artist, the essence of the Reminder decorative wall plates is that the lines visible on the objects become completely parallel and perpendicular to each other only from a single angle, reminding the viewer that we are capable of finding the right perspective even in the most challenging times. 

In 2024, a comprehensive overview of the achievements of the period was presented, offering the fullest and most up-to-date representation of contemporary Hungarian silicate art. Novelties included focus on the field of design directed at reaching university students as well, and invitation of Hungarian artists from the other side of the border to participate in the competition. 


The exhibition is open for viewing until 21 April. 

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