Visual activism for a better world

Date: 2024.04.19
As new wars break out, species die out, the planet is warming, glaciers are melting, forests are disappearing, and humanity is threatened by mass extinction, we can witness firsthand how the natural environment, evolved over millions of years, is irrevocably altered by the impact of the last two centuries. How can photography and visual arts respond to these crises unfolding on multiple fronts? This was discussed in the spring semester of 2024, between 2 and 5 April by interdisciplinary curator, sociologist, researcher, and activist Krzysztof Candrowicz invited by the Photography MA programme.

On 2 April, the artist first shared his educational experience gained thanks to his international contact network with MOME teachers. The following day, he held personal consultations with the students, conducting portfolio reviews and provided valuable feedback for their careers. 

On 4 April, at 3 p.m., he gave a lecture titled Visual Activism focusing on the role of art in using the power of images to inspire social and political change. By transcending conventional boundaries, this dynamic medium can more easily engage the most diverse audiences. Visual activism – whether through impactful photography, thought-provoking street art, films, or video art – has a remarkable power to amplify marginalised voices, shedding light on injustices, and questioning predominant norms. After his inspiring lecture, he also answered questions that arose.

The presentation was supported by the Wacław Felczak Foundation.

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Fontos egyeztetések valósultak meg az elmúlt hetekben: a cél a konszenzuskeresés, a konszolidáció megteremtése és az egyes felek közti közötti bizalom építése, megerősítése.
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