17th Moholy-Nagy Award

This year Moholy-Nagy Awards Ceremony will celebrate iconic film director and screenwriter Gyula Gazdag.

Gyula Gazdag is professor emeritus of the Department of Film, Television and Digital Media of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), and Artistic Director of the Sundance Filmmakers Lab founded by Robert Redford. He was named one of the ten best film teachers in the United States by Daily Variety in 2010. This year, he has joined the ranks of the Moholy-Nagy Award holders, and will be presented with the award for his formative educational work on 30 November by Rector József Fülöp.  

Since 2006, the award is presented each year to an individual whose outstanding artistic, research, or creative activity is founded on the same values as those of the university and its eponym. Previous recipients of the award that intended to convey Moholy-Nagy’s thoughts and ideas still relevant today include archaeologist Hattula Moholy-Nagy, art philosopher Hannes Böhringer, art historian Krisztina Passuth, curator Karole P. B. Vail, art historian Olivér Botár, product designer Stefan Lengyel, and Ernő Rubik. They and the MOME community are connected through creativity, integrative thinking, intellectual innovation, and a responsible creative approach.


Event schedule:

Welcome note
Gazdag Gyula’s speech
Music:  Saint Ephraim Male Choir


Click here to read about our previous Moholy-Nagy Award recipients:


Event information

Date: 30/11/2023, 6:00 p.m.

Venue: MOME Master, Auditorium

The event will be held in Hungarian.

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