Biomimicry – Sustainable Innovation Inspired by Nature Presentation by Researcher Yael Helfman-Cohen

How can a designer draw inspiration from nature? Nature is a vast source of knowledge and a powerful engine for innovation. Today, innovation inspired by nature has become a structured methodology known as biomimicry. This lecture by illustrious researcher of the Tel Aviv University Yael Helfman Cohen offers an introduction to the world of biomimetics and biomimicry, showcasing examples of sustainable and innovative applications, innovation stories, demonstrations, and experiments to encourage a new way of thinking. At the end of the lecture, she will introduce tools for sustainable design inspired by nature.

Cohen studies forms, processes, and systems observed in nature with the aim of developing sustainable design solutions inspired by them. She earned a PhD in biomimicry design methodology at the Tel Aviv University, where she currently teaches and conducts research. Part of the MOME Zero initiative and supported by the Global Voices at MOME programme, the event will include a discussion between the expert and Dániel Barcza after the lecture, followed by an audience Q&A.

☞ Date and time: Tuesday, 12 November 2024, 5:30 p.m.
☞ Venue: Auditorium 

17:30 - 19:00

Event information

☞ Date and time: Tuesday, 12 November 2024, 5:30 p.m.
☞ Venue: MOME BASE, B001

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