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Once again, the works of this year's Stefan Lengyel scholarship recipients demonstrate a strong focus on social sensitivity and unlocking the potential in the intersection of technology and art. The winning projects include an elderly care application, various educational games, innovative architectural concepts, and a project that uses drones as musical instruments. This marks the eighth edition of the Stefan Lengyel Scholarship of Excellence, awarded by the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, to recognise the most exceptional students for their work.

A Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetemért Alapítvány javaslatot tett az egyetem polgárainak egy új közösségi szerződés megkötésére, amellyel biztosítaná az intézmény békéjét és a megújulás folytatását. Az Alapítvány célja, hogy az egyetem polgáraival együttműködve rögzítse a közös munka alapelveit, és megerősítse a kölcsönös bizalmat.

One of the most influential figures in both Hungarian and German design, Stefan Lengyel is the designer behind such iconic objects as the ergonomic vacuum cleaner, the modern petrol station, the No. 2 tram, and many others. Now, with a new book exploring his legacy, MOME pays homage to his wide-ranging contributions, telling the story of industrial designer Stefan Lengyel (also known as István Lengyel) through captivating stories and imagery.

Latest Events

18:00 - 20:00

The talk will focus on various aspects of photography as a tool for social change. From activism to art gestures, how can we make the medium response relevant to the turbulent contemporary context?
18:00 - 20:00

How have women and children shaped the landscapes we live in today? This lecture explores the pioneering work of Brenda Colvin and Marjory Allen, two key female thinkers in post-war Britain, who championed the idea of involving children in designing and caring for their local environments. Their vision of urban and green spaces was not just about aesthetics but about fostering sustainability, agency, and community.
10:30 - 11:45

The Future Potentials Observatory invites you to a Speaker Series event titled “FPO TALKS” presented by César A. Hidalgo, professor at the Toulouse School of Economics’ (TSE) Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences and head of the Center for Collective Learning, a multidisciplinary research laboratory with offices at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAST) at TSE and the Corvinus Institute of Advanced Studies (CIAS) at Corvinus University of Budapest. He is an Honorary Professor at the Alliance Manchester Business School of the University of Manchester.

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