
We offer pre-degree, undergraduate, postgraduate and short courses in 18 subjects. See the course listing below, find the perfect course at the right level and follow your passion at MOME.


The main purpose of our BA courses is to enable you to obtain a valuable and relevant diploma, with more emphasis on practical training. At the same time, it provides an appropriate theoretical foundation for further studies for the Master's level.

Our Animation BA programme focuses on the development of professional and theoretical knowledge and an individual vision, covering the essentials of animation storytelling, the authentic representation of characters, and the design of animated visuals, characters and backgrounds.

The programme focuses on providing a deeper understanding of design, visual arts and architecture. Our graduates go on to study for various master’s degrees or work at cultural institutions and agencies.

The programme is designed to help students learn the artistic and technical skills required for shaping the built environment and design processes, using an approach characterised by the trinity of architecture, interior design and furniture design.

The aim of the Product Design BA programme is to help students master design thinking and the steps of the design process from the exploration of user requirements and brainstorming to model building and preparations for execution – both in product and service design.

Students of the Photography BA programme can learn the basiscs of classic and contemporary photography and interdisciplinary creative strategies from illustrious teachers, in small group, using state-of-the-art technologies, to become style setters globally.

Whether it is developing creative communication or video content, producing visual landscapes, experimenting with new technologies or creating kinetic installations, our Media Design BA programme offers a solid knowledge base and media design approach.

Students can develop traditional craftmanship combining contemporary creative awareness and the latest technologies, enabling transdisciplinary collaborations in art, craft and design.

Students of the BA in Graphic Design are internationally competitive in their ability to use visuality as a tool for communicating and interpreting information. The course takes you through media such as posters, books, visual identity and interactive digital interfaces.

We train versatile designers who, in addition to mastering specific competencies, will also gain an understanding of the social, economic and cultural factors influencing the industry. Our students can choose from a range of specialisations such as clothing design, accessory design, woven fabric design, knit fabric design and print fabric design.


From the academic year of 2024/2025, six Master courses start in English: Animation, Design, Interaction Design, Photography, Art and Design Management and Designer-Maker.

Content development is at the heart of the programme, which teaches students the different roles and processes of animation production as well as and the use of immersive and emerging technologies (AR, VR, MR). The main pillars of the Animation MA programme are developing independent perspectives, finding an individual artistic voice and creative method, and mastering a responsible design approach.

In addition to sound theoretical knowledge, the programme helps students build successful business development and efficient communication skills. Graduates can find jobs in design companies, cultural institutions, the art market, exhibition spaces or even the media.

Our MA programme enables students to become open-minded professionals who are receptive to global trends and local challenges, and can provide sustainable responses through material-oriented solutions. 

We train strategically-minded design professionals, who will be able to develop projects to shape an inclusive and sustainable world for future generations using a design and proactive entrepreneurial mindset. The syllabus is structured around the three key areas of ‘People, Planet, Prosperity’ and focuses on developing and implementing sustainable design projects through the integration of social, environmental, and economic aspects.

We train experts who will play a leading role in designing the most innovative digital services of the future. Our graduate designers are familiar with the international scene and its opportunities, and are well-equipped to make a significant impact on digital culture.

Our Photography MA programme trains open-minded and highly autonomous artists who are able to respond sensitively and progressively to the challenges of the world, supported by state-of-the-art technology and renowned teachers.


Our Master courses provide a more specialized qualification with a greater theoretical emphasis. It gives you the opportunity to specialize in a multi-directional way, following your initial education. The advantage of a multi-cycle system is that it does not only allow you to complete a master's degree in a particular area after completing some specialist training.

Our graduates work at museums and galleries, design and advertising agencies, write for art magazines, are involved in teaching and research.

From the 2024/25 academic year, the programme will only be available in English language. Graduates of the training focusing on the development of business and communication skills in addition to theoretical knowledge can find employment with design companies, cultural institutions, in the art market, exhibition spaces, or even the media industry.

The Design and Visual Arts Teacher training programme provides designers, architects and media students holding or currently pursuing an MA with pedagogical foundations and skills, as well as a new degree. State-funded semesters in teacher training are available regardless of and in addition to state-funded training periods available in other programmes, for up to 4 additional semesters.

Our students can deepen their research and expertise in three areas, fashion, textile and costume design, to meet the highest professional challenges as expert and confident designers.

From the 2023/24 academic year, the programme will only be available as Object Design MA. Our Master Program in Jewelery Design and Metalworking helps you build a work or collection based on a personal individual research proposal. The philosophy of the training strikes a balance between material and technical innovation and more traditional craft techniques and historical craft traditions.

The Architecture MA programme delivers training with an emphasis on complexity, and architectural conceptualisation grounded in research. Students gain proficiency in both individual and group assignments, and an understanding of all aspects of architectural design.

From the 2023/24 academic year, the programme will only be available as Object Design MA. Whether for developing their own subject or one picked those assigned, students will receive support from their supervisors and can deepen their craft skills at the Campus workshops to become genuine masters in their own right.

The Media Design MA programme prepares students to become – as multimedia designers – key players and leaders in creating media artworks, as well as in the creative processes of the creative, entertainment, and advertistement industries, media arts, and applied visual design.

From the 2024/25 academic year, the programme will only be available in English language. Our MA programme enables students to become open-minded professionals who are receptive to global trends and local challenges, and can provide sustainable responses through material-oriented solutions. 

The aim of the Graphic Design MA programme is to train graphic designers who are able to respond sensitively and progressively to global and local challenges and apply their knowledge in their role as an initiator in social, cultural and artistic projects.


Our multidisciplinary doctoral school pursues its activities in three design and art disciplines (DLA in architecture, DLA in applied arts, DLA in multimedia arts, practice-led doctoral degrees) and one scientific field (PhD in art history, theory-based doctoral degree), building on the coherence and interdisciplinary collaboration of the four disciplines.

DLA in Architecture, DLA in Design, DLA in Multimedia

PhD in Arts (Design Theory), PhD Programme in Design Culture Studies


Postgraduate courses can be followed after obtaining a BA or MA diploma certificate. These postgraduate trainings build on previous studies. During its 2-4 semesters, students can acquire deeper knowledge, a broader expertise and a higher proficiency in their selected fields.

During the semester, we aim to furnish our colleagues working in the cultural scene or intending to work in this field, with knowledge to reinvent their activities proactively and independently, along the most recent aspects and criteria of cultural management.

Hungary is also putting a great importance on improving the competitiveness of museums, on increasing visitor-friendliness, on modernizing the infrastructure and on establishing completely new public institutions. Currently, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design is the only institution where you can study museum management in Hungary.

Service design is a dynamically developing profession, both in Hungary and abroad. An increasing number of companies and institutions are looking for service designers to ensure that the user experience of the services they provide, as well as their internal processes, are logical, well thought-through, efficient and user friendly. As part of the process, designers create sustainable, well-functioning solutions and optimal experiences for both clients and service providers.


We offer courses to help you prepare for the entrance examination of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design. In addition to improving your basic artistic skills, we will also help you develop a designer mindset. The high level of education is ensured by the curriculum approved by MOME departments, the diverse programme structure and a team of instructors associated with MOME.

Please note: all are courses are available in Hungarian only!

Jelentkezés október 21-én 17 órától!

The course aims to help future designers and design students to become more confident by offering a set of tools for various sketching techniques. Applications open: 21st October, 2024. Please note: All are courses are only available in Hungarian.


MOME OPEN aims to fill the knowledge transfer gaps of the 21st century by creating and operating training areas in the arts, culture, education and business, and to train an outstanding workforce to fill the skills and competency gaps in the creative industries.

Our beginner photography course focuses on basic professional skills. It also introduces advanced techniques and provides a comprehensive overview of the different areas of professional and amateur photography. Participants will be able to confidently handle equipment and work independently in the studio. During the training, participants will learn the skills of the profession in practical and theoretical classes, where, in addition to technical skills, a critical approach to photography will be emphasised, helping students to form a visual opinion and to transform their own ideas into images.

Ez a kurzus bemutatja a valóban hatásos és hatékony márkaépítési és marketingkommunikációs stratégiákat és gyakorlatokat. Megadja a szükséges elméleti alapot, amelyet az előadásokon illusztrációként használt sok-sok gyakorlati példával és csoportos feladatokkal tesz a mindennapi életben is használható gyakorlati tudássá.

There are three things that make creative teamwork really effective: a team of people from diverse backgrounds, a methodology that fosters creativity and a skilled facilitator. If you've seen Design Thinking in practice, you've experienced how effective collaboration can be with a few simple tools. In our course, you can learn how to apply them effectively in your own projects, involving others in the thinking and getting the most out of your team!

A képzés fókuszában a stratégiai gondolkodás, a problémamegoldás és a hatékony vezetési módszerek állnak. Ezek a módszerek fejlesztik a designvezetők képességeit és önbizalmát, hogy hatékonyan irányítsák a tervezést, megtartsák a csapat motivációját, sikeresen alkalmazkodjanak a változó körülményekhez, valamint jól kommunikáljanak a szervezet többi részével.

Creativity and the ability to problem-solve and work in a team are valuable skills in almost any field. In our daily lives, we are constantly faced with planning tasks of all sizes, even when we are not working in the creative professions - for example, organising a project or a programme, setting strategic goals or even putting together a presentation. For these, Design Thinking can be used to make the process more efficient and achieve innovative outcomes.

A Tripont és a MOME OPEN szervezésében induló professzionális digitalizálási szakember tanfolyam, a kulturális örökségvédelem területén magas szintű szakmai képzést biztosít. Elméleti és gyakorlati feladatokon keresztül a legfrissebb ismereteket szívhatod magadba, progresszív szemléletű munkaszervezési attitűddel és up-to-date kompetenciákkal gazdagodhatsz.

Tanfolyamunkon módszereket és eszközöket sajátíthatsz el, melyek használatával képes leszel arra, hogy személyedet, vállalkozásodat, termékedet vagy szolgáltatásodat márkává változtasd, ezzel megsokszorozd annak értékét. A 7 hetes program célja az önismereti, önmenedzselési képességek fejlesztése.

Az experimentális fotográfia tanfolyam alatt elmélyülhetsz a kísérleti fotográfiában és a fotó médiumának határaival ismerkedhetsz meg. Ha szeretsz kísérletezni valamint markáns és egyedi utakra rátalálni akkor itt a helyed.

A fenntarthatóság és a társadalmi felelősségvállalás ma már nem önmagában csak a gyártási folyamatokra, hanem egyúttal az filmalkotások tartalmára is vonatkozik. A filmeknek fontos szerepük van abban, hogy felhívják a figyelmet a társadalmi és környezeti problémákra, és elősegítsék a tudatosabb és felelősebb életmódot. A tanfolyam a Nemzeti Filmintézet támogatásával valósul meg, így a kiválasztott résztvevők a képzési díj 20%-át fizetik meg.

Magyarország jelenleg a második legnagyobb filmgyártási központ Európában. A folyamatosan érkező külföldi produkcióknak már versenyezniük kell a magyar stúdiókért, illetve a rendelkezésre álló munkaerő is korlátozott. Éppen ezért aktuális a jelenlegi helyzetben olyan szakembereket képezni, akik a filmes területeken az utánpótlást biztosítani tudják.

During the training, participants will primarily acquire the practical, comprehensive, marketable knowledge that is a prerequisite for effective and successful day-to-day management for both established film production companies and self-employed filmmakers - and which is often a missing element. The training will be delivered by professionals with a good understanding of the domestic film support system and the work of producers, who will have up-to-date knowledge of the tendering and legal/economic/financial environment of film production.

A kurzus központi fogalma a jelenlét. Immerzív terepgyakorlat, hétről-hétre teljesítendő feladatok, illetve az egész szemesztert átölelve megvalósítandó egyéni művészeti projektek mentén foglalkozunk azzal, hogy mit jelent egyénként és fotográfusként jelen lenni a környezetünkben, társadalmunkban.

A hálózattudomány az elmúlt két évtized egyik igazi siker tudománya – ma már szinte lehetetlen akár csak egy lépést is megtenni az online térben anélkül, hogy ne találkozzunk a tudományág eredményeivel és alkalmazásaival. Világméretű hálók épülnek az online közösségi platformokon, hálózatok felhasználásával buzgó ajánlórendszerek sokasága igyekszik kifürkészni vágyainkat, sőt, még az internetes keresők óriásia, a Google is egy hálózatos algoritmussal kezdte.

A MOME Image Pro tanfolyam a MOME Tervezőgrafika Szak és a MOME OPEN szervezésében induló hat hónapos képzés. Célja, hogy a hazai illusztrációs szakma kiemelkedő alkotóival, valamint a MOME Tervezőgrafika Szak oktatóival közösen, digitális és manuális felületeken egyaránt, magas szintű szakmai mesterkurzust biztosítson azoknak az illusztrációk iránt elkötelezett, nyitott és kreatív képalkotóknak, akik a szakma fortélyait professzionális szinten kívánják elsajátítani.

MOME Insight is a hands-on training focused on research, where experienced research professionals from Hungary share their knowledge. The course builds on the basic knowledge of the UX and complements it with commonly used research methods (interviewing, logbook research, observation, questionnaires, usability testing), their practical application and directly applicable advice. Through examples, you will learn how qualitative research can be used to map the problem domain and to analyse and interpret the results effectively.

A képzés során a résztvevők a szükséges elméleti bevezetés után intenzív gyakorlati órák keretében sajátítják el a műtermi fotózás szakmai fogásait, ahol a technikai ismeretek mellett kiemelt szerepet kap a fotográfia kritikai megközelítése, mely a résztvevők vizuális véleményformálásában és az önálló gondolatok képpé alakításában nyújt segítséget.

Journey map tanfolyamunkon a résztvevők megtanulhatják, hogyan kell a felhasználói élményt vagy egy belső folyamatot lépésekre bontani, elemezni és az így definiált felhasználói problémák (pain pointok) megoldásával továbbfejleszteni. A journey map hatékony eszköz lehet a felhasználó kutatás eredményeinek szintetizálására és közérthető vizualizálására, de használható egy projekt ötletelési és a tervezési fázisaiban is. A tanfolyam elvégzése után minden résztvevő magabiztosan tudja alkalmazni ezt az eszközt, amikor komplex folyamatok megértésére vagy megtervezésére van szükség.

A kreatív koncepció egy olyan jól megfogalmazott „nagy ötlet”, amely felkelti a közönséged érdeklődését, befolyásolja érzelmi reakcióit, és cselekvésre ösztönzi őket. A sikeres kreatív koncepciók emlékezetesek, egyesítenek, relevánsak és ami a legfontosabb megoldást nyújtanak egy valós vagy kommunikációs problémára. Ez a tanfolyam abban segít, hogy az ötleteid ilyen kreatív koncepciókká válhassanak.

In our Digital Product Designer (UX/UI designer) course you will learn the processes and tools of user experience design. You will be given the task of creating an interactive product prototype, which will not only help you master the methodology, but also help you understand the interrelationship of the design steps within the overall process. The arc of the course is the collaborative-focused toolkit of Design Thinking, complemented by the digital tools of User-Centered Design. The course thus places a strong emphasis on teamwork and conscious and empathetic design.

A Music Video tanfolyam keretei között a videoklip kultúrájába, valamint tervezési és forgatási folyamataiba vezetünk be, annyira komplex formában, amennyire csak belefér.

A tanfolyamon a résztvevők megtanulhatnak mindent ahhoz, hogy hatásos prezentációkat tudjanak készíteni a munkahelyükre, a következő állásinterjúra, befektetői körre, webinárra vagy konferenciára.

Year after year, the Hungarian film industry is breaking records in terms of film production costs. In order to maintain the competitiveness of the flourishing Hungarian film industry and to increase production volume, not only studio developments but also the training of professionals with high quality knowledge is essential. The Production Design Basic Course fills a gap, focusing on the development of skills and transfer of knowledge necessary for the design of cinematic visual worlds.

In the Service Design Basic Course you will learn basic service design methods and tools to make your workflow more efficient, your product or service more understandable and the user experience more pleasant, whatever field you work in. In our four-day course, you will hear comprehensive presentations on techniques used in service design to help you map and analyse service elements, user groups and processes, and use them to improve the service experience.

If you want to learn more about the techniques to design services that customers really need, this course is for you. In the practical sessions, you will work with a non-profit organisation and apply service design tools. Service design is a design methodology where value is created by designing products and services together based on business interests and customer needs. You can learn its design methods with us, complemented by your own toolkit.

A Sound Design képzés lehetőséget ad a sound design részterületeinek – filmhang, game sound, hanginstalláció, creative coding, új technológiák –, valamint azok összefüggéseinek elméleti megismerésére. A tanfolyam során a kreativitás, a figyelem, a prezentációs készség, valamint a kooperáció és a csapatmunka fejlesztése kerül előtérbe. A résztvevők széleskörű, a részterületek kölcsönösségére épülő, sokféleképpen hasznosítható szemlélet megalapozását kapják. A tanultakat gyakorlati projektmunka összegzi.

The Street Photography Basics Course introduces you to street photography and documentary photography, providing you with practical experience as well as the essential theoretical background. During the course, participants will progress from taking simple commemorative photos to expressing themselves, when their images become exciting works of art for others. Participants will document simple everyday events, sometimes taking photographs at events and public affairs.

Map is one of the oldest, most popular and widely used information visualisations and the father of data visualisation. In the last twenty years new avenues opened up for cartography thanks to the previously unimaginable amount of data, user-friendly software and the possibility of interaction and animation, which has led to the emergence of new methods of representation and the democratisation of cartography, as well as the popularisation of new visions that have significantly altered traditional cartography.

Magyarországon dinamikus fejlődést mutat a filmipar, minden szegmensében munkalehetőséget kínálva felkészült szakemberek számára. Kiemelten igaz mindez a digitális eszközökkel folyó filmes utómunka, és filmtrükkök (VFX) területén, ahol nagy a hiány a hozzáértő és folyamatosan tanulni, megújulni képes munkaerőből. Ehhez olyan oktatási modulok, tanfolyamok szükségesek, ahol a legújabb technológiai megoldások oktatása mellett a vizuális kultúra, a szakmai látásmód is nagy hangsúlyt kap.
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9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121