News & events

The Future Potentials Observatory invites you to a Speaker Series event titled “FPO TALKS” presented by Paul Shrivastava, professor of management and organization at the Pennsylvania State University Smeal College of Business, Co-president of The Club of Rome, a global sustainability think-and-act tank and member of the Advisory Board of the FPO.

Budapest-Rome The Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) and the Collegium Hungaricum Rome have launched a residency programme to foster artistic creativity, interdisciplinarity, and cultural value creation. The official signing of the contract for the Rome Student Residency Programme, established in collaboration between the two institutions, took place on 21 October at the MOME Campus.

A new temporary exhibition opened at the Hungarian National Museum's Public Collection Centre on 18 October 2024 under the title Shine! – The Time of Jewellery. In addition to a selection spanning 40,000 years of human history and featuring treasures from the museum’s 222-year-old collection, works by MOME students and faculty are also on display. The exhibition will be expanded further in November, accompanied by a series of related events.

What will the University of the Future, the student of the future, and the artist of the future look like? At the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME)’s 2024 Open Day on 25 October, you’ll have the chance to explore programmes such as Product Design, Animation, Design Culture, Photography, and Designer-Maker. You can also explore the inspiring spaces of one of the leading creative universities in the region, the sports facilities, the park, and the University of the Future project, and pick up essential tips on building a winning admissions portfolio.

What do a hitchhiker, a melancholic girl, an extraterrestrial couple, and a cheerful trio of women over fifty have in common? They are all the subjects of photographs inspired by the Peugeot 3008 model. The winning works of a photography competition announced in a unique collaboration between the French car brand and the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) will be on display at the MOME Campus on 21-22 October. Curated by MOME lecturer and photographer Éva Szombat, the unconventional pop-up exhibition features works by four internationally recognised photographers, Franciska Legát, Hanna Rédling, Ágnes Tar, and Balázs Máté.

The recently signed collaboration framework agreement between the Hungarian National Museum (MNMKK) and Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) includes plans to organise joint events and exhibitions, as well as launching a shared internship programme. The first project under the agreement will be implemented as part of the temporary exhibition Shine! – The Age of Jewellery, opening on 19 October and featuring works by MOME students and lecturers.

Mi a közös egy autóstopposban, egy melankolikus lányban, egy földönkívüli párban és egy ötvenen túli vidám asszonyduóban? Mindannyian olyan fotográfiák főszereplői, amelyeket a Peugeot 3008-as modell inspirált. A francia autómárka és a Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem (MOME) egyedülálló együttműködésének eredményeként meghirdetett fotópályázat nyertes munkáit október 21-22-én a MOME Campuson tekinthetjük meg. A négy nemzetközileg elismert fotóművész, Legát Franciska, Rédling Hanna, Tar Ágnes és Máté Balázs munkáit Szombat Éva kurátor keretezi.

As part of the professional conference titled Intellectual Property in the Age of Artificial Intelligence hosted by the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO), MOME welcomed Executive Director of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) João Negrão and Vice-President of the HIPO Dr. Péter Lábody.

The exhibition features a diverse range of projects, including a pencil sharpener for children, a hearing aid reimagined as jewellery, an AI-powered knitting machine, an IoT system designed to ensure the health and safety of residents, as well as several urban revitalisation projects – all created by this year's winners of the Stefan Lengyel Scholarship of Excellence. Entitled Sequences of Ideas: Shared Visions in Design, this third opportunity for the scholarship recipients to debut their works invites the public to engage through an interactive concept. The installation itself echoes the central themes, utilising recycled materials, local production methods, and modular components.

On 15 October, the exhibition Sequences of Ideas: Shared Visions in Design will open at the MOME Campus, showcasing the works of students who have received the Stefan Lengyel Scholarship of Excellence for the 2023/24 academic year.

This year’s winning projects in the Cooperative Doctoral Programme of the University Research Fellowship Programme (EKÖP KDP) include a research study on the design-oriented transformation possibilities of the child protection system, as well as the development of a socially, ecologically, and urbanistically sustainable system with a focus on social and inclusive design principles and methodologies.

Arts Thread, the leading digital platform for emerging designers and artists, is organising the 5th Global Creative Graduate Showcase, which lists the most exciting diploma projects of art and design graduates from all over the world. This year over 5000 students uploaded their diploma projects. The independent expert panel of Arts Thread created the shortlist, and it is now the audience’s turn to vote. The 2024 shortlist includes 11 fresh MOME graduates!
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