MOME is set to become Hungary’s first carbon neutral university

Date: 2022.03.08
It is the ambition of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design to become the first net carbon neutral higher education institution in Hungary by 2030. The green transition is actively supported by the Ministry for Innovation and Technology in the form of a strategic agreement signed by the parties.


It is the ambition of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design to become the first net carbon neutral higher education institution in Hungary by 2030. The green transition is actively supported by the Ministry for Innovation and Technology in the form of a strategic agreement signed by the parties.

From 2022, MOME will organise all its activities in alignment with the principles of sustainability in an effort to achieve complete net carbon neutrality in ten years. The green transition will affect every area of the university’s operation from improving the efficiency of energy consumption and waste reduction to introducing paperless paperwork, and will also include active engagement in climate protection projects outside the campus.

“MOME seeks to serve as a role model not only in knowledge transfer, but also in the reinvention of the normal course of operation in Hungary. Ecological consciousness is something that lies close to the heart of our students, instructors and researchers alike. By becoming the first carbon neutral university in the country, we are laying the cornerstone of contributing solutions to the challenges of the 21st century in a credible way”, said President of the Foundation for Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Gergely Böszörményi-Nagy.

MOME collaborates with the Ministry for Innovation and Technology on the implementation of this plan. The strategic agreement with the ministry sets out the parties’ intention to launch joint research & development projects supporting sustainable operation and be involved in the related tender activities. The collaboration is also designed to disseminate best practices to other Hungarian higher education institutions.

“We are delighted that an important and prestigious university like MOME has started on its green journey. We believe that a shift in approach is required not only from individuals but also from various - mostly education - institutions. Since it is the younger generation that is aware of their ability to actively advance sustainability and climate protection, it is important that the place they spend their formative years also convey and reinforce this message. The ministry will provide all the assistance to deliver a more eco-conscious infrastructure and approach to support the transfer of technical knowledge, said Attila Steiner, State Secretary for the Development of Circular Economy, Energy and Climate Policy, Ministry for Innovation and Technology.

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