Our teacher-training students participated in a STEAM methodology workshop

Date: 2023.03.01
In February 2023, an experienced-based pedagogical methodology (STEAM) workshop was held for MOME Design and Visual Arts Teacher MA students by Dr. Kristóf Fenyvesi of the Finnish Institute for Education. Students learned about the Finnish education system and the theoretical and practical dimensions of the STEAM methodology combining the teaching of sciences with a creative artistic and design approach.

The Finland-based Hungarian researcher works for the Finnish Institute for Education of the Jyväskyläi University, founded the Experience Workshop, and specialises in interdisciplinary learning (STEM & STEAM) and the relationship between mathematics and art. Our university has several other projects (HEAD, BeSTEAM, JUMP INTO THE FUTURE!) with a link to STEAM methodology, and Fenyvesi lectured at MOME on the subject of sustainable university and education development at the 2022 summer MOME MAG. 

At the recent workshop, students learned about the Finnish education system and the theoretical and practical dimensions of the STEAM methodology. STEAM was introduced into pedagogy a long time ago. Standing for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art&Craft, and Math, the acronym suggests a multidisciplinary approach that includes scientific and technological subjects, arts, and mathematics, and is directed at teaching them with an experience-based focus. The STEAM methodology essentially reflects on the problem of the steadily diminishing popularity of these subjects among students. 

More information about the STEAM methodology is available at https://designakozoktatasban.mome.hu/szakirodalom/szakirodalom-steam/ 

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