The Executive Director of the European Union Intellectual Property Office visited MOME

Date: 2024.10.16
As part of the professional conference titled Intellectual Property in the Age of Artificial Intelligence hosted by the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO), MOME welcomed Executive Director of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) João Negrão and Vice-President of the HIPO Dr. Péter Lábody.

The EUIPO and HIPO representatives learned about several intellectual property programmes incorporated into MOME’s daily operations, and discussed building the university's intellectual property portfolios and the IP-related, community-building, educational activities taking place at MOME with the university’s CEO Réka Matheidesz, and Head of the IP Point Dr. Flóra Gubicz. 


The visitors were also presented with the university’s refreshed IP activities implemented since 2021, including the workshop series titled Get Your First Design Protection. As a result of these efforts, the number of student design filings has doubled since last year. The number of female applicants has also risen significantly, with three-quarters of the filings now coming from women. While exceeding international trends, it also reflects the gender ratio at the university, at the same time demonstrating that global figures can improve with the right knowledge and support. 


In addition, the professional meeting included a visit to the Mobility Design Lab, where the guests explored current applications of AI in design processes and explored, together with students from the Lab, the future impact of artificial intelligence on design. 


In 2024, MOME received the Millennium Prize in recognition of its contributions to intellectual property protection. Established by the Hungarian Patent Office, this award recognises institutions and companies that play an outstanding role in safeguarding intellectual property. Since 2012, MOME has been committed to intellectual property protection, with a particular focus on IP-related areas. In 2021, it introduced a new intellectual property management policy, launched an IP course, and created an IP information point to promote better understanding of the topic. These opportunities support not only students but also teachers and researchers in managing the rights to their intellectual property. 

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Koós Pál, a Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem rektora, aki 24 éve szolgálja - korábban oktatóként, tanszékvezetőként, rektorhelyettesként, majd rektorként - az intézményt, elkötelezett az elmúlt napokban kialakult helyzet megoldása iránt. Célja a nyugodt, zavartalan munka és oktatás feltételeinek megteremtése, ehhez azonban elengedhetetlen a rektor legitimitásának tisztázása, így a mai napon a saját személyével kapcsolatban bizalmi szavazást kezdeményezett a Szenátusnál.

“Nem gondolhatjuk, hogy csak a mának élve kell érveinket értelmezni. A krízishelyzetekben messzebbre kell látnunk. Az egyetem megmaradása, normalitása és hírnevének erősítése túl kell mutasson a napi küzdelmek szintjén, megteremtve a közösség kohézióját, hiszen tétje közösségként csak a hétköznapi cselekedeteink összességének van” – fogalmazta meg gondolatait az egyetem korábbi rektora, egyetemi tanár.

For the fifth consecutive year, the Foundation for Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, serving as the institution’s maintainer, has been actively engaged in driving MOME’s revitalisation. Since 2020, the university’s budget has increased nearly fourfold, and the Foundation implemented the most significant faculty salary increase in the history of Hungarian higher education, while student scholarships and grants have more than doubled and grant income has increased almost twentyfold. Moreover, the university’s pioneering initiatives in sustainability and in supporting talents from disadvantaged backgrounds have become firmly established.
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