Apol Temesi DLA
assistant professor, external lecturer
Design Institute
assistant professor
Designer-Maker MA
assistant professor
Designer-Maker MA in English
assistant professor
Museum Management
external lecturer

Apol Temesi graduated from MOME as a textile designer, and started teaching at the Design Institute during her doctoral studies. As an instructor, she is engaged with the perspectives and methodologies of designer responsibility and sustainable material culture. In connection with this, she teaches her own methodology, which is inspired by the international DIY methodology and promotes a material-centric design approach.

Fields of education
research and development
Fields of research
applicability of invasive plant species
recyclability of construction and textile industry waste


Apol graduated in art history from Pázmány Péter Catholic University, and simultaneously completed her textile design BA and MA programmes at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design. She graduated in 2014, then became a DLA student at the MOME Doctoral School. Her area of research is restorative raw material-oriented design, which examines the opportunities of designer responsibility through the perspective of sustainable object design. As a designer, she focuses on natural, renewable raw materials, as well as current challenges caused by the textile industry. Her work explores the secondary life of wool left over from industrial processes. Her innovative material development of acoustic panels made of wool was chosen to participate in the 2018 Climate-KIC Accelerator programme, where she won an award and a special award. She was awarded the Moholy-Nagy László Design Grant in 2019, and she won an award at the Climate-KIC Retrofit International Climate Innovation Competition in 2020. In the autumn on 2022 her SoundWool product family won a BIG SEE Product Design Award. She defended her doctoral dissertation in the spring of 2022. In 2023 she was elected to be a Homo Faber member.

Awards, recognition

Climate-KIC Climate Innovation Award 2020

TechTextil Micro-Architecture 2013

2nd place


Publication title
Apol Temesi. (2021). Raw Material-Centric Didactics: Multi-Sensory Material Knowledge in Design Education
Member of the European
Network of
Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121