Berta Újváry
Textile Design BA
Weaving workshop

Berta graduated from the MOME Fashion and Textile Design Programme, specialising in woven fabric design. She has been teaching at the weaving workshop since 2021. At the workshop, she holds lectures and facilitates studio practice. She is also responsible for organising and performing the necessary background processes for the operation of the workshop.

Fields of education
weaving education
weaving workshop practice
jacquard fabric design


Berta graduated from the fashion and textile design programme at MOME in 2022 and she has worked at the weaving workshop since 2021. To further develop her BA degree collection, she won the weaving thesis competition of TextielLab in Tillburg, where she developed jacquard textiles. 
In 2022, she was awarded the Hungarian Design Award, with her woven fabric and pattern collection Homage to Rudolf Ujvary. 

Professional works

interview in DIS online magazine

Awards, recognition

Aladár Körösfői-Kriesch Artistic Award, 2021

Member of the European
Network of
Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121