Márta Pataki
master instructor, workshop leader
Textile Design BA
master instructor
Fashion and Textile Design MA
master instructor
Knitting workshop
workshop leader
master instructor

Márta is the head in the TechPark knitting workshop and also teaches engineering. She teaches knitting technique to Textile design BA and MA programme students. Using knitting-pattern design software, she designs knitting patterns for manual and industrial knitting machines.

Fields of education
knitting technology BA
professional education - knitting BA
studio practice - knitting MA


In 2009 she completed the advanced-level course Quality Engineer - Quality Manager at the Institute of Advanced Engineering Training at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Márta graduated in 1994 as a certified textile industry engineer from the University of Forestry and Woodworking (Woodworking Engineering Faculty, Light Industry Complementary Programme).
She obtained her textile technology engineer’s degree in 1986 from the College of Light Industry, specialising in knitting on the Textile Technology Programme.
In 1983, she graduated as a certified knitter at the knitting industry branch of the Textile Industry Vocational Secondary School in Szeged.

Other studies:
STOLL CAD/CAM knitting pattern design and knitting machine operator course, Reutchlingen
Prima Vision CAD/CAM design system programming skills course, Vienna, 2003

Márta has worked as an engineering teacher at MOME since 2016.
Between 1988 and 2016, Márta worked at the Óbuda University as an assistant lecturer.
In 1986, she joined the Újszeged Weaving Industry Company as a technologist.

Márta is a member of the Textile Technical and Scientific Association (TMTE).

Key publications:
Vera Göndör – Márta Pataki: “Designing Textile Products for the Full Life Cycle with a Special Focus on Maintenance during Usage”, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 2008. Issue Number 3., ISSN1785-8860, pp. 19-28
Vera Göndör – Márta Pataki: “Designing Textile Products for the Full Life Cycle with a Special Focus on Maintenance during Usage”, 2007, New aspects in the Innovation of a Traditional Industry, Conference, Conference presentation
Márta Pataki: Experimental lifespan studies for the development of home textiles, 2009; Future-oriented technologies in environmental protection and light industry, BMF, conference presentation


Publication title
Vera Göndör – Márta Pataki: Designing Textile Products for the Full Life Cycle with a Special Focus on Maintenance during Usage, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 2008. Issue Number 3., ISSN1785-8860, pp. 19-28
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