Péter Vető DLA
assistant professor, supervisor
Product Design BA
assistant professor
Design MA
assistant professor
Design MA in English
assistant professor
Doctoral School

Graduated as a designer (2006) and with a degree in design management (2007) from MOME. He has been teaching at the university for fifteen years and has been a senior lecturer at the Design Institute since 2016. He has played a role in the majority of MOME’s international projects connected to product design, primarily in the field of IoT. He obtained a doctoral degree in 2015. He focusses on the connection between acoustics and design. As an active musician, he sees many challenges in the relationship between the music industry and design, and as a researcher and designer, works actively to overcome these challenges. In recent years he has worked on developing educational methods, projects and programmes that seek to increase the popularity of design among primary and secondary school students. In the RDI project, he leads a course entitled Play for Design, which works with students along these lines to create innovative educational concepts. He has been a designer at the BARA Design Studio since 2004.

Fields of education
industrial design basics


Professional résumé and key milestones:

Beginning in 2004, designer and visual designer, Bara Design Studio
– Symbol (Budapest, 2005)
– Stay Club/Hotel (London, 2013)
– Párizsi Grand Department Store (Budapest, 2014)
– Robinson (Budapest, 2014)
– CBA Nova (Szeged, 2015)
– Le Meridien Hotel lounge (Budapest 2015)
– Monk’s Bistrot (Budapest, 2015)
– MOM Leroy (Budapest, 2016)
– Clark Hotel (Budapest, 2018)
– News show set (Budapest 2018)
– Superfit Fitness Center (Beijing, 2018)
– Bestia (Budapest, 2018)
– Hotel Kempinski, lobby spaces, Spiler Bar (Marbella, 2019)
– Tom George Restaurant (Los Angeles, 2019)
– 1586 Restaurant (Cluj-Napoca, 2019)
– Private Residence (Mougin, 2019)
– MOM Spíler (Budapest, 2019)
– Cédrus Liget (Szeged, 2020)
– Cédrus Lovarda (Szeged, 2020)
– Marty’s (Budapest, 2021)
– Kastner Office (Budapest, 2021)
– Tokio (Budapest, 2022)
– YAMA (Budapest, 2022)
– Medimpex Garden (Budapest, 2022)

2006 Product Design degree MOME
– Digitherm dialysis chair (2006)
– Miniatűr Bisztró (Budapest, 2012)
– Wine Vinegar Museum interior design and museum concept (Bodrogkeresztúr, 2016)
– Városmajor utca apartment – interior design (2017)
– Fótliget condominium building – interior design (2018)
– travel guitar (plan, prototype, 2019)
– Eight-string electro-acoustic jazz guitar (plan, prototype, 2020)
– Smartfreq RFID reader (2020)
– Smartfreq automatic library book delivery system (Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library, 2020)
– Smartfreq library cart (2021)
– portable system for concert support 1 (plan, prototype, 2018)
– portable system for concert support 2 (plan, prototype, 2021)
– Smartfreq library access system (Austria, 2021)
– Smartfreq book delivery machine for a children’s library (Eger, 2022)

2007 Design Management degree MOME
2007 Assistant lecturer, MOME
2008 Computer program instructor at MOME
– creating the 3DS educational program
– creating the Rhinoceros educational program
– Photoshop
– Corel
2010 Autodesk 3DS master’s course
2014 Product Design Award (Yeesbox Kft.)
2014 Designing the Clutch guitar device (global patent received in 2014)
2015 Product Design Award as member of Alliance ‘39 (Caltrope Project)
2015 Doctoral degree completed (Topic: Interaction of Form and Acoustics)
– prototype 1 (2014)
– prototype 2 (2015)
2016 senior lecturer, MOME
2018 EFOP 3.4.4 professional associate – design
2018 – established a musical instrument workshop (CNC)
2019 – established a sound studio
2020 MOME MEDION RDI two-year design cycle

Member of the European
Network of
Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121