Tekla Bodnár
Student Hub leader, doctoral student, external lecturer
Art and Design Management MA
external lecturer
Art and Design Management MA in English
external lecturer
Doctoral School
doctoral student
Student Hub
Student Hub leader

She has been an external lecturer since 2022. She is a doctoral student at MOME's Doctoral School. Her area of research is the third mission activity of higher education in art. In 2020, she launched the DMM Alumni Mentoring Programme, which brings current and former students together.


She has degrees in management and communication from ELTE and Corvinus Universities. At MOME, she is a PhD student in the Art History programme.
Her field of interest is higher education. She has worked in corporate and alumni relations at Corvinus University of Budapest. She has gained experience in both the national and international aspects of quality assurance in higher education, and has consulted on institutional accreditation procedures. 
She currently works at MOME, where she is responsible for student services and alumni relations. She is the founder and coordinator of the department’s MOME DMM Alumni Mentor Programme.
In 2023, as part of the Bologna Thematic Peer Group (TPG) project "Implementation and Innovation in QA through peer learning" (IMINQA), she studied accreditation of higher education institutions in the arts and the assessment procedures of the third mission of universities at the Italian accreditation agency ANVUR. 
In 2019, she participated in the mobility programme of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV).

Member of the European
Network of
Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121