Since 2010, Tünde Németh has been the Head of the Student Service Centre and Registrar’s Office, a permanent advisory member of the MOME Senate, a member/secretary of the Study and Equal Opportunities Committee, and a permanent advisory member of the University Admission Committee. Since 2021 she has been a member of the task force established to introduce English-language master's programmes.

She has been working in higher education in the field of academic/administrative management since 2004: from 2004 to 2008, at the predecessor of Budapest Business University, and since 2008, at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design. The introduction of electronic grade books, the foundational development and practical implementation of electronic entrance exams, as well as the introduction of a new academic system, have all happened under her leadership. In 2018 and 2019, she participated in the work of the Recognition Working Group of the Hungarian Rectors' Conference on behalf of MOME, and also prepared a report and development proposal on the credit transfer situation in Hungary. She holds a Master's degree in Economics. She is proficient in English, and obtained an English language specialized training certificate in the field of equal opportunity mobility in higher education.