Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

Hello, generated-name

Human input or generated data?
Project overview
An installation exploring dataism by bridging physical and digital spaces

Ágnes Petrucz: Hello, generated_name!
Supervisor: Antal Lakner
Consultant: Ágoston Nagy

Dataism regards the possession of information as the ultimate priority, with digital data processing seen as the pinnacle of evolution. This perspective reduces the importance of human presence and tangible reality, envisioning a world where machine data processing and algorithms surpass human influence. This installation explores dataism by depicting the constant flow of data between physical and digital realms, and examines how the line between measurable, authentic human data and artificially generated data becomes increasingly blurred within digital networks. 

The title carries a temporal aspect; the data name generated after the greeting suggests a digital entity or identity, hinting at the concept of data humanoids.
The installation underscores the fragility of human data-based identity, featuring non-human digital entities, or data humanoids. The installation consists of three elements: a publication with an augmented reality layer; a display that visualises data synthesis through audiovisual media; and an automated printer that continuously generates and collects profiles of randomly created data humanoids. 

Human input or generated data?

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