Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

Mouth Hero

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Audio-responsive speech development application for children with multiple disabilities
Project overview
An interactive speech development application using voice recognition technology, tailored to the cognitive impairments, intellectual disabilities, and motor limitations of children with multiple disabilities

Mrs. Pintér née Beáta Sosity: Mouth Hero
Supervisor: Balázs Vargha
Consultants: Andrea Schmidt

Mouth Hero is an interactive, imaginative speech development app based on voice recognition technology, enabling children – the “Mouth Heroes” – to perform acts of heroism through articulatory movement exercises using their voice. The game is designed to evoke the functional pleasure associated with sound-making in situations that encourage joyful vocalisation. In designing the application, a key consideration was the integration of digital tools and developmental games as a cohesive functional unit in response to the realisation that in adulthood, digital platforms, voice recognition, speech output, and other assistive technologies become essential tools for supporting daily life and fostering social inclusion.

The exercises were inspired by the mouth image and cue cards used in speech therapy, with animated lip and tongue exercises rendered in vibrant plasticine. Through interactive sound imitation exercises, children gain a sense of the power of their own voice. The app also features a messaging function linked to a drawing interface, which enhances visuomotor skills and enables children with typical development and those with additional needs to communicate and connect. 
It is designed to support independent use, offering a range of features that take into account the cognitive, intellectual, and motor challenges faced by children with multiple disabilities.

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