Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

Roma Parliament and Community House

Don’t we all deserve space?
Urban space on Tavaszmező Street
Project overview
Redesigning the building complex of the Budapest Roma Parliament, whose inhabitants were evicted in 2016, preserving its original character while adding contemporary functions

Rebeka Winkler: Roma Parliament and Community House
Supervisor: Balázs Marián
Consultant: Bea Molnár
Professional consultant: Aladár Horváth

The Roma community has resided in Budapest for over 500 years. Officially, they possess equal rights and opportunities to other citizens. In reality, however, their position remains marginalised. This project hypothesises that, alongside various systemic and political issues, this marginalisation is perpetuated by the absence of urban focal points that support community engagement, cultural self-representation, and advocacy. 

Located at Tavaszmező Street 6, the “Roma Parliament” served as a pivotal hub for the Roma community in Budapest, fostering a sense of belonging and cultural exchange through its vibrant programme. It remained a significant community building centre until 2016 when the organisation was evicted. The listed building, now abandoned, still stands as a silent testament to its past. The project proposes to revitalise the building, restoring this iconic space to the Roma community. By integrating community and cultural functions – such as exhibition spaces, a café, a performance hall, and creative workshops – it honours the original use of the building. Additionally, new features like residence hall and social housing would be introduced for a dynamic presence, further solidifying the role of the site within the community. 

Don’t we all deserve space?

Member of the European
Network of
Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121