Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

Thetos - The island of Tranquillity

Dream or Reality?
Project overview
Exploring the intersections of dreams and consciousness: a multimedia installation

Dóra Lilla Illés: Thetos – The Island of Tranquillity
Supervisor: László Halák
Professional contributors: Dániel Cseh / documentation: Dániel Kiszler, Máté Tóth-Heyn, Calla Bettina Ernst, Marcell Puszta

We come closest to the deepest layers of our subconscious during our dreams: as the noise of the outside world subsides, we connect with our innermost self, experiencing our truest form.
Thetos - The Island of Tranquillity is a multimedia installation that navigates the intersections of technology, dreams, and consciousness. 

At the heart of the installation is a dysfunctional “sleep chamber” where a matrix printer continuously produces fragmented bedtime stories. These narratives, generated by artificial intelligence, blend recurring motifs from the artist’s dream journal. The journal, which was the initial inspiration for the project, became an experiment in itself, where the act of recording dreams began to shape the artist’s own dreaming patterns. This installation explores the evolving relationship between technology and human consciousness, blurring the lines between dreams and digital reality. It questions the authenticity of narratives created by artificial intelligence and how personal experiences can be transformed by algorithmic processes.

Dream or Reality?

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