Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

Application for scholarship based on social needs

Housing allowance
Data & Documents
Application for scholarship based on social needs
H-1121 Budapest, Zugligeti út 9-25.
Building MASTER
Floor, door
Phone number
+36 20 989 3469
The social allowance is a benefit for socially indigent students.



Using the form below. Click on the Application button!


From 26 September to 10 October 2024.

What do you need to apply?

For details, click on the Tuition Payment and Benefits Policy.



It has been adapted to meet student needs as possible, in order to provide more effective support to those truly in need.


The per capita limit amount has increased by 69%, thanks also to the reallocation of the Stefan Lengyel Excellence Scholarship budget.

Main changes

Housing aspects are assigned greater emphasis. From the 2021/2022 academic year onwards, the 50 most needy students living in rented accommodation will receive a monthly housing contribution of HUF 50,000 called Social Allowance Plus. The assessment of family structure has been simplified, with a particular focus on self-supporting households. The previous annual gross income has been replaced by average net income per person per household over the last three months. In addition to the distance between the place of training and the permanent address, travel time and costs are also be taken into account. As a result of the above changes, the award thresholds have been slightly increased.

Housing allowance

To apply for Social Allowance Plus, you must complete the following certificate. We primarily accept documents certified by the owner. If this is not possible, the second document in the attachment can be used as a fallback solution. Students living in a dormitory can not apply for this allowance. 

Data & Documents

Name of document
Fogyatékosság igazolása
Hallgató saját betegséggel járó költségeit alátámasztó igazolás
Hallgatóval egy háztartásban élő – hozzátartozó – betegségének költségei
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Térítési és juttatási szabályzat 2023
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Member of the European
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Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121