3rd FPO International Workshop

The Future Potentials Observatory’s third international hybrid workshop conference will take place on Thursday, 22 February.

The presentations will provide insight into research on future potentials, geopolitical frontiers, innovation and design horizons, and digital futures, all in the context of the East and West. MOME teacher Petra Aczél will be the moderator of the event, the first speaker will be Rector’s Commissioner Lili Érmezei, and MOME teacher and design culture researcher Anna Keszeg will also hold a presentation. 


Moderator: Petra Aczél
Welcome by Zoltán Oszkár Szántó 

Section 1 - Future Potentials 
14.10-14.20: Lili Érmezei 
Research Introduction: Mapping the New Nordic Region's Start-Up Enterprises from the Perspective of Leadership Characteristics, Mindset, and Skills 
14.20-14.30: Zoltán Krajcsák – Gyula Bakacsi – Imre Környei – Tamás Szilágyi Change Management of Future Potential Organizations: Leadership & Organizational Development Concerns 
14.30-14.40: Q&A 

Section 2 - Design Futures 
14.40-14.50: Karina Vissonova 
Future of Material Wellbeing 
14.50-15.00: Anna Keszeg 
Sartorial Futures of Fashion  
15.00-15.10: Q&A 


Section 3 - Geopolitical Frontiers 
15.10-15.20: Esztella Varga 
Strategic Hedging in Turkish Foreign Policy 
15.20-15.30: Federico Pachetti 
The Political Economy of Foreign Currency Reserves in East Asia  
15.30-15.40: Q&A 
15.40-16.10: Coffee Break 


Section 4 - Geopolitical Frontiers 
16.10-16.20: Amira Mouakher 
Geopolitical Forecasting: LLM, RAG and Fine-Tuning 
16.20-16.30: Attila Joós – guest lecturer, ELTE TáTK 
Hungary’s Economic and Trade Relations with Iraq and Iran in the 1970s and 1980s 
16.30-16.40: Q&A 


Section 5 - Digital Futures 
16.40-16.50: Péter Kiss-Tóth – Balázs Nagy 
Plans, Research Directions 
16.50-17.00: Szergej Vinogradov – Sylvia Graczka 
Preliminary Results  
17.00-17.10: Q&A 
17.10-18.00: Reception 

To register, please indicate your intention to participate at the email address fpo@future.potentials.hu.  

13:30 - 18:00

Event information

Organizer: Future Potentials Observatory (FPO)
Date and time: Thursday, 22 February 2024, 1:30 to 6:00 p.m.
Venue: Gond-űző, MOME Campus

Registration: fpo@future.potentials.hu

This event will be held in English.

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