AI in Daily Life, Work, and Design - Caitlin Begg-masterclass

Expert in digital communication and sociotechnical systems strategy Caitlin Begg, who is giving talks across Europe and the United States, will be delivering a public lecture at the university. Her research explores the impact of technology on everyday life, communication, digital interactions, ethical artificial intelligence, and sociotechnical systems.

Begg is an American sociologist, the founder of Authentic Social, a company that develops sociotechnical system strategies for organisations with a hybrid or primarily remote workforce model. These strategies optimise social, digital, and technological systems to enhance organisational success through analysis and learning, resulting in reduced turnover and frustration, increased efficiency and engagement, and improved communication. 

Begg holds a degree in Sociology from Harvard University and conducts research in artificial intelligence. Her work has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, Mashable, and Yahoo! News. She also hosts the podcast Progression to Analog, where she offers practical advice and interviews experts and researchers on how to make daily life more human in a world increasingly influenced by technology.  

The event will be moderated by Lili Érmezei, and takes place as part of the Global Voices initiative. 


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15:00 - 16:00

Event information

☞ Date and time: Wednesday, 25 September 2024, 3:00 p.m.
☞ Venue: Gond-űző

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18:00 - 19:00

London-based software engineer Emmanuel Maggiori’s publications and lectures focus on providing a more balanced perspective on trendy and overly-hyped technologies, including artificial intelligence. He is the author of Smart Until It’s Dumb and Siliconned, both of which explore his primary areas of expertise: data science, mathematical optimisation, and machine learning.

As a complementary event to the MOME Fashion Show, already regarded as a tradition, this exhibition features student projects not specifically intended for the catwalk. They reinterpret personal and collective identity through the lens of fashion, textile, and costume design, while addressing profound social and cultural issues.

In line with the best practices of international fashion schools and in sync with international fashion weeks, the MOME FASHION SHOW will once again take place this year, under the professional direction of Kele Ildikó and Viola Balázs. The MOME Fashion Show aims to provide a platform for the university's fashion, textile, and costume design students, introducing the next generation of designers to a broader audience.
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