Climate Optimism: How to Shift the Narrative on Climate Change and Find the Courage to Choose Change

We all know the anxiety resulting from a constant awareness of the negative impacts of climate change -- in other words, climate anxiety. But what if these times of uncertainty actually provide an incredible opportunity for positive change? What is it mean to be a climate optimist? In her lecture, author of The Climate Optimist Handbook and TED speaker Anne Therese Gennari will share how to enact sustainable, positive change by adopting a more empowered, active, and cheerful leadership approach to climate change.

Climate optimism, i.e. breaking the routine

 Gennari’s research focuses on shifting the narrative on climate change so that we can act from courage and excitement, not fear.  You will learn about the role happiness hormones play in changing the world, why planting seeds (literally and figuratively) is a powerful game, and why communication around climate change today can cause a sense of overwhelm or paralysis.

Find out how you can become a climate optimist – this world needs you!  

The talk will be followed by a Q&A.

The event is part of the Global Voices at MOME initiative, supported by the Foundation for MOME.

16:00 - 18:00

Event information

Date: 15/11/2023, 4 p.m.
Venue: MOME, Spatial Experimentation Studio

This event will be held in English.

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