Future Materials Conference 2024

The two-day event will explore the latest trends and breakthroughs in material design, covering both traditional crafts and cutting-edge technologies.

Join us for the third annual Future Materials Conference, hosted by the Innovation Center of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest! This year's theme will be 'From Advanced Craft towards Conscious Tech', exploring the intersection of traditional craftsmanship and cutting-edge technology.


Over two days between 7-8 November 2024, you will have the opportunity to engage with designers, researchers, industry experts, and students through a series of keynote presentations, lectures, workshops, and an exhibition. Discover the latest trends and innovations in materials across various sectors such as fashion, architecture, packaging, and the automotive industry


Experience and interact with the latest material innovations, showcased by both national and international experts and university students.


Attendance to keynote presentations and lectures is free, but registration is required. Stay tuned for the registration link and ensure you sign up early to secure your spot: https://futurematerials.mome.hu/conference/


During the conference, we will explore unique methods and approaches used in material design, and provide participants with the opportunity to gain practical knowledge: over 7-8 November, we will also hold a series of workshops with national and international experts. Please note that tickets must be purchased in advance for the workshops. Ticket sales will begin soon - stay tuned for more details and secure your spot early!


// Sponsored by the Foundation for Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design as part of the Global Voices initiative. //

2024.11.07 09:00
2024.11.08 20:00

Event information

Attendance at lectures is free of charge but registration is required to attend. The conference will be held in English.

To participate in workshops, tickets must be purchased in advance.

More information about the exact program and workshops coming soon!

More events

10:00 - 18:00

Tizenöt éves lett a MOME Múzeumi Menedzsment és kultúramenedzsment képzése, melynek alkalmából szakmai napot rendez a Campuson. A Dialógusban című egésznapos program fókuszában a kortárs kultúra alakítói és közönsége áll, a kultúraközvetítés területeit, lehetőségeit járja körbe a képzés alumnijának aktív részvételével. A valaha itt végzett szakemberek ma már olyan intézmények kiemelkedő munkatársai, kurátorai mint a NEO Kortárs Művésze Tér, a Róth Miksa Emlékház és Gyűjtemény, a Deák17 Gyermek és Iúsági Művésze Galéria, az Esztergomi Keresztény Múzeum, a The Deep Creave Collecve, a Kiégő izzók, vagy az MNB Arts & Culture.
18:00 - 20:00

A new temporary exhibition opened at the Hungarian National Museum's Public Collection Centre on 18 October 2024 under the title Shine! – The Time of Jewellery. In addition to a selection spanning 40,000 years of human history and featuring treasures from the museum’s 222-year-old collection, works by MOME students and faculty are also on display. The exhibition will be expanded further in November, accompanied by a series of related events.
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