MOME IC Incubation Program - Info & Matchmaking Session

Info & Matchmaking Session where we answer all your questions about MOME IC's incubation program, and where you can find your dream team!

In MOME IC's incubation program, our goal is to help participants in developing entrepreneurial skills, improving self-confidence, and transforming their innovative ideas into more developed business concepts.

During the info session, we answer your questions, such as:

  •  Who is eligible to participate?
  •  Can you apply individually or in teams?
  •  Who is the ideal participant?
  •  What are the perks of this incubation program? 

... and anything else that comes to your mind!

The matchmaking will also give you an opportunity if you have an idea but no team yet, to pitch your idea and find the ideal participants! Vice versa, if you feel you have te entrepreneurial drive and no idea, listen to others and join their team!

We will also have snacks  and drinks - hope to see you there! In the meantime, you can find out more about the incubation program at:

17:00 - 20:00

Event information

Join in person at MOME UP 301 or online via:

More events

10:00 - 18:00

Tizenöt éves lett a MOME Múzeumi Menedzsment és kultúramenedzsment képzése, melynek alkalmából szakmai napot rendez a Campuson. A Dialógusban című egésznapos program fókuszában a kortárs kultúra alakítói és közönsége áll, a kultúraközvetítés területeit, lehetőségeit járja körbe a képzés alumnijának aktív részvételével. A valaha itt végzett szakemberek ma már olyan intézmények kiemelkedő munkatársai, kurátorai mint a NEO Kortárs Művésze Tér, a Róth Miksa Emlékház és Gyűjtemény, a Deák17 Gyermek és Iúsági Művésze Galéria, az Esztergomi Keresztény Múzeum, a The Deep Creave Collecve, a Kiégő izzók, vagy az MNB Arts & Culture.
18:00 - 20:00

A new temporary exhibition opened at the Hungarian National Museum's Public Collection Centre on 18 October 2024 under the title Shine! – The Time of Jewellery. In addition to a selection spanning 40,000 years of human history and featuring treasures from the museum’s 222-year-old collection, works by MOME students and faculty are also on display. The exhibition will be expanded further in November, accompanied by a series of related events.
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