On our paths: With you

The exhibition On our paths: With you is the result of six months’ work, and a joint effort of the House of the Hungarian Millennium, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design and Movement Development Primary and Secondary School, Standardized Special Education Methodological Institute, supported by the Hungarian Paralympic Committee.

The exhibition was designed to present, through exhibitions conceived in the spirit of social responsibility of the partner institutions, the everyday lives of children with reduced mobility and guides visitors through the various phases until the children enter real life and find their independence. 

The project is implemented at three venues:  

in the buildings of the Movement Development Primary and Secondary School and the House of the Hungarian Millennium in the form of installations, as well as along the fairy tale path between the two buildings, also linking the two venues in the City Park. 

Opening: Friday, 20 May 2022, 6:00 p.m., House of the Hungarian Millennium 

The exhibition will be opened by Olympic athletes Péter Kis and student of the Movement Development School Hermina Biró 


 The exhibitions are open: 

 House of the Hungarian Millennium: Tuesday to Sunday: between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. 

 Movement Development School: Monday to Friday: between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. 

 The full exhibition is available for viewing until 15 June 2022 


Sponsors: Hungarian Paralympic Committee; MOME Budapest, Institute for Theoretical Studies 


Execution: Dessin Design, House of the Hungarian Millennium, MOME 

Mentors and teachers: Kinga German, Piroska Földváry, Szilvia Keresztes, Adrienn Tóth, Dóra Keleméri 


MOME students participating in the project

Asztalos Paula // Graphic Design MA 

Zsófia Bádé // Art and Design Management MA 

Dorottya Annamária Balkó // Art and Design Management MA 

Barbara Bianka Bernát // Art and Design Management MA 

Sédégbé Ábel Djogni // Art and Design Management MA 

Lúcia Sára Domonkos // Art and Design Management MA 

Gergő Emődi // Art and Design Management MA 

Emília Lola Eördögh // Photography MA 

Bianka Faddi // Art and Design Management MA 

Imola Fazakas // Architecture MA 

Paula Fényes // Art and Design Management MA 

Fanni Hegyi // Architecture MA 

Anna Borbála Horváth // Art and Design Management MA 

Panna Horváth // Art and Design Management MA 

Anna Júlia Kereszty // Art and Design Management MA 

Kitti Krusinszky // Architecture MA 

Dávid Kulcsár // Architecture MA 

Szilárd Matl // Architecture MA 

Apollónia Molnár // Art and Design Management MA 

Nikolett Németh //Graphic Design MA 

Petra Pilbák // Graphic Design MA 

Rozina Pusztai // Art and Design Management MA 

Sára Sipos // Art and Design Management MA 

Márton Szabó // Art and Design Management MA 

Máté András Szabó // Art and Design Management MA 

Anna Szalai // Media Design MA 

Anna Magdolna Szilágyi // Art and Design Management MA 

Mátyás Ulz // Art and Design Management MA 

Anna Vékony // Art and Design Management MA 

Virág Adél Velkey // Fashion and Textile Design MA

18:00 - 20:00

Event information

Opening: Friday, 20 May 2022, 6:00 p.m., House of the Hungarian Millennium

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