Prof. Sarah Kettley's lecture at MOME

How can design go beyond the observation that everything is connected, or even an acceptance of philosophies of co-becoming, to take an active position in making the world a better place?
Join us for an enlightening discussion of the theories and methodologies Prof Kettley has found invaluable in designing for caring relations in materials practice and with marginalised communities.
Alongside Sarah's talk, we are excited to offer a 3hr workshop session that will teach participants a new research technique to generate valuable data in their own work.
These workshops will provide participants with a powerful video recall method for working with tacit knowledge and the unspoken in encounters with other people, materials, and processes.
Participants will be led through the steps of IPR (Interpersonal Process Recall), experiencing both ’recaller’ and ’facilitator’ roles, and will have the opportunity to reflect on how the approach could be applied in different research scenarios.
Participants will receive detailed instructions ahead of time, and should bring a 10 minute video of themselves using a service, such as public transport or ordering food.
☞ The Workshop is available on the 18th of April (Tuesday) from 12pm-3pm.
Don't miss this exciting opportunity to expand your research skills!