Sequences of Ideas: Shared Visions in Design
In addition to addressing environmental and social changes, this year’s exhibition features a significantly higher number of projects that explore both the advantages and disadvantages of using digital technology and artificial intelligence, as well as the not completely unrelated subject of research into mental well-being. The spatial and object designs, multimedia projects, and theoretical research from across all programmes of the university cover a diverse range of topics, including design-led processes for community building, product development opportunities for well-known brands, and socially conscious approaches in video game.
Launched in autumn 2020 by the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Foundation, the Stefan Lengyel Scholarship of Excellence programme is intended to recognise students who bring outstanding ideas to life through their semester projects, tackling contemporary design challenges with innovative, critical, and socially responsible approaches. To date, the programme has offered performance-based financial and professional support to 112 students. This exhibition presents the work of 32 scholarship recipients from the past two semesters.
Participating students:
ÁPRILI Gergő, BAJKOV Aurél Valentin, BARANYI Fanni Zsófi, BUKOVINSZKY Emese, BUNFORD Péter, DONTASZ Zoi, ERNST Calla Bettina, FAZEKAS Zalán, FEDICS Laura, FORGÁCS Benedek, GALÁNTAI Maja, GARAI Bernadett, GÁL Patrik Sándor, GUTHY Máté, HECKER Sára, KAIN Eszter, KISS Balázs Ágoston, KŐSZEGHY Anna, LIPÓTZY Kristóf, MUSZKA Sára, NAGY Csongor Boldizsár, PETRUCZ Ágnes, RŐCZEI Eszter Enikő, SÁRDI Maja, SÁRINGER Anna, SZENTIVÁNYI-SZÉKELY Enikő, SZILÁGYI Nóra, TAKÁTS Fruzsina, VÉGHELYI Borbála, VÉRTESSY Dorottya, ZOBOKI Zoltán
Curators: BÁLINT Júlia, VISKI Noémi