Access cards to our subconscious – Zsófia Kupics’s dream interpretation board game
Date: 2022.09.26
However ridiculous it might sound at first, in our daily life, we are surrounded by cards: loyalty cards at cafés, football cards at the supermarket cash desk, business cards at the office. We use cards to prove our identity, receive discounts, obtain access to places we otherwise wouldn’t be able to get in.
In fact, our whole survival revolves around a plastic card. And when we are truly fed up with everything, we use cards to play with for recreation. Sometimes around a table with others, sometimes alone on the computer. Speaking about gadgets, for some strange reason, we are unable to let go of them even in the digital space. We swipe cards, or scroll cards. Symbolically speaking, cards are both everyday and sacred objects at the same time: we trash them, lose them, redeem them, keep them on us, treasure them, spend years collecting them. Zsófia Kupics’s card game ‘Daydream’ is intriguing also for this reason. It uses cards in the truest sense of the word. It is ordinary and mystical at the same time.
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