Eco-conscious park development – Bee colonies moved into the MOME Campus

Date: 2024.05.20
Functioning also as a public park, the eco-conscious MOME Campus garden is now officially home to a small bee population. By taking in two bee colonies – nicknamed the Tót and the Mézga Families – the MOME community contributes significantly to preserving the natural environment of the area.

It is common knowledge that bees as pollinators play a key role in maintaining the balance of nature, which was the main reason behind the MOME community’s decision to house the bees on the Campus. 

The dual-purpose apiary not only contributes to a healthier natural environment but also provides the university with up to 65-70 kg of honey, as well as propolis and beeswax annually, in addition to supporting educational programmes. According to the plans, regular workshops related to honey and beeswax will be held to provide insight into beekeeping and the exciting possibilities offered by the resulting substances.

Located behind the BASE building, the hives are closely supervised and continuously monitored by MOME's certified master beekeeper Tamás Kutasi. Interestingly, the hives themselves were crafted on the Campus, in the Techpark, during a community workshop. 

The hive inauguration ceremony in early May included an intriguing presentation by Kutasi, a community “bee petting” session, and a health briefing by allergist dr. Adrienne Nagy.

☞ And if you’d like to participate in the project or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our official beekeeper through

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