Exhibition review platform wins the last Deák Erika Grant

Date: 2024.09.11
Since 2020, students of MOME’s Institute for Theoretical Studies have had the opportunity to apply for the 1-year grant specifically supporting the early careers of curators and theoretical experts five times in a row. In the 2024/2025 academic year, the final iteration of the grant was awarded to the editorial team of Rendes Kapuőrök, a group of ten Design Theory MA students, for their concept of an Instagram platform dedicated to exhibition criticism.

The grant, which includes a financial reward of 500,000 forints, was established through the generous initiative of Erika Deák. Designed to run for five years, it aims to support the university’s most outstanding Design Theory and Art and Design Management MA students graduating the following year, helping to cultivate the next generation of curators, managers, and theoretical professionals. 

The grant is intended to bolster the professional attitude of students and support the development of their diploma projects and implementation of projects related to the University. For this reason, the jury, comprised MOME teachers Gábor Ébli and András Zwickl, along with founder of the grant Erika Deák herself, provided valuable suggestions to the winning team to help refine their proposal. 

Members of the Rendes Kapuőrök editorial team includes Balázs Dávid, Laura Fedics, Andrea Patek, Abigél Sógor, Enikő Szentiványi-Székely, Márk Szolomayer, Róza Tomka, Bence Tóth-Meisels, Aida Ujfaluczky, and Réka Vass (all students of the Design Curator specialisation of the Design Theory MA programme). Their aim is to develop a diverse and high-quality Instagram platform focused on exhibition criticism, offering a fresh perspective and a unique format that expands the reach of cultural content in Hungary while encouraging meaningful discussion around art criticism. 


Erika Deák personally welcomed and congratulated the scholarship recipients at the opening ceremony of the year for MA students this September.    

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