Innovation Ecosystem tender
In the autumn of 2019, with the inauguration of the new MOME campus, the university’s Innovation Centre was established, and was awarded the Innovation Ecosystem grant in November. The Innovation Centre will use the grant to develop an innovation management and knowledge transfer unit, with a focus on strengthening the business mindset and entrepreneurial culture. Within the framework of the programme, MOME will further expand its cooperation with domestic and international corporate partners, in the fields of design, media and architecture among others.
MOME Rector József Fülöp highlighted: ‘The role of design, creativity and innovation has appreciated in today’s age, and cooperation between artistic and other specialised fields is becoming increasingly emphatic. One of the most important objectives of our university is to match artistic and creative energies with societal needs, technological opportunities, economic and environmental properties and characteristics. By bringing together education and creation, research, innovation and technology, we have the potential to create a very special creative ecosystem’.
The first phase of the project, which will run until September 2020, will strengthen the university’s existing innovation management functions. Afterwards, the Innovation Centre’s service portfolio will be expanded to include related services such as the creation of an innovation database, the management of the market utilisation of R&D results generated at the institution, the support of student innovation, the creation of the H2020 Information Point, and the organisation of innovation and research management training.
The project titled Development of the Innovation Ecosystem at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (with project ID 2019-1.2.1-EGYETEMI-ÖKO-2019-00001) is implemented with a non-refundable grant of HUF 88,924,466 from the National Research Development and Innovation Fund, financed by the UNIVERSITY INNOVATION ECOSYSTEM (2019-1.2.1-EGYETEMI ÖKO) call for proposals. The project will be implemented between 1 January 2020 and 30 June 2021.
Our university has successfully completed phase 1 of the project, and was therefore given the opportunity to continue the project until 31 December 2021.
The value of the contracts made with external partners (R+D+I), the value of R+D+I consulting services and the value of contracts for artistic activities increased in phase 1 of the project. A growth was seen in research findings brought to market, as well as intellectual property sold or otherwise utilised.
Phase 2 of the project will involve a continuation of the activities implemented in phase 1, as well as the implementation of new activities.
The activities in phase 2 will be implemented mostly using our own staff. The budget for this phase is HUF 150,000,000 and implementation is scheduled to take 18 months. The proposed implementation period is from 1 July 2021 to 31 December 2022.