Intermezzo Festival organised by MOME students

Date: 2022.06.16
On 23 and 24 June, a diverse event with a special ambience will take place at the House of Music, Hungary with the contribution of our students. In addition to unique installations, the Intermezzo Festival will also feature outdoor DJ sets, indoor concerts and roundtable discussions of the MOME Art and Design Management MA’s Manage (it) Yourself series.

On 23 and 24 June, a diverse event with a special ambience will take place at the House of Music, Hungary with the contribution of our students. In addition to unique installations, the Intermezzo Festival will also feature outdoor DJ sets, indoor concerts and roundtable discussions of the MOME Art and Design Management MA’s Manage (it) Yourself series. 

During the two-day festival, every corner of the House of Music, Hungary will be filled with vibrancy: there will be intriguing discussions, unique installations created by MOME students for this occasion and put on view at the Sound Dome, as well as free and ticketed musical events at the great hall and in the open. The line-up for the opening day will include zïp, Orlando x dom Beats and Jazzbois, and at the outdoor location, DJ sets from ONE-AB and Filipvarial. On the second day, you can enjoy free DJ sets by Galactic Jackson and OIEE, and buy tickets to the concerts of EJTECH (researchers of MOME IC Judit Eszter Kárpáti and Esteban de la Torre), Speiz Boiz, and Óperentzia

Two events in the highly popular Manage (it) Yourself event of the MOME Art and Design Management MA will also be available. The roundtable discussion at 5:15 p.m. on 23 June will focus on the future of the music industry and will explore answers to questions such as what a festival organiser does, how a musician can become a manager and if live music can also be dominated by the digital space. The discussion on the following day, 24 June will revolve around sound design and musical innovations – What is sound like, when it does not come from the speakers? How can a space be turned fully musical? In addition to digital technologies, what other new alternatives are there to create soundscapes, and how can you make music from textile, construction materials or a pair of shoes for that matter? 

Further information and tickets

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