MOME achieves platinum certification in the FISU Healthy Campus Programme

The Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) has achieved exceptional success in the first cycle of the FISU Healthy Campus programme, receiving platinum certification from the International University Sports Federation (FISU). The programme aims to help universities coordinate their efforts in promoting healthy lifestyles, mental well-being, sustainability, and a community-driven mindset shift. MOME is fully committed to the programme, with a comprehensive action plan in place across all key areas to ensure long-term, sustainable progress.

A total of 176 universities worldwide are involved in the programme, and MOME is the third institution in Hungary, alongside the University of Debrecen and the Hungarian University of Sports Science, to receive certification. The FISU Healthy Campus is a comprehensive initiative that drives positive change in a variety of areas. It is organised around eight key focus areas: physical activity and sport, nutrition, disease prevention, mental and social well-being, risk behaviour, ecological and social sustainability, and management. The latter is essential for ensuring the programme’s long-term success and sustainability. The strong coordination between university leadership and various areas allows MOME to implement a unified strategy that fosters the development of institutional culture. 

The programme could not have been successful without outstanding partners and sponsors. Together, we’ve grown, shared insights, and created opportunities to enhance the effectiveness of the health and well-being initiatives of the university community. 

As part of the programme, universities become part of an international network where they can exchange best practices and experiences. FISU’s unique digital platform helps institutions track and improve their health and well-being outcomes. 

One of MOME’s key focuses within the programme is offering sports activities for both students and staff. The MOME Student and Staff Sports Association (HDSE) provides a variety of activities, including yoga, running, fitness, and team sports such as volleyball, basketball, swimming, rock climbing, and football. These activities help boost physical activity and incorporate healthy living into the daily routine. 

In line with its sustainability goals, MOME’s Zero programme aims to significantly reduce the university’s ecological footprint by 2030. This includes initiatives such as tree planting and expanding sustainable transport options, including the MOL Bubi public bike sharing system and the GreenGo electric car sharing service. 

The leadership team of the MOME Healthy Campus project met in February 2024 to evaluate the past year’s achievements and outline the next steps. The focus for the coming year is continuous improvement, aiming for even more significant, long-term results by the end of year two. The FISU Healthy Campus programme is a unique initiative that creates positive change at a wide range of universities around the world by promoting a harmonious, sustainable, and health-conscious environment. 

For more information: 

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