MOME collaborates with the most prestigious art universities in Korea
Rector József Fülöp, CEO Réka Matheidesz, associate professor Kinga German, lead internationalisation coordinator Györgyi Falvai, Head of the Doctoral School Hedvig Harmati DLA, and Head of the Animation MA programme Viktória Szabó were members of a delegation from MOME visiting Korea between 24 and 28 April.
The visit started at the Seoul Cyber University, a fully online education institution, and continued with a meeting with the director and team of the National Hangeul Museum. The latter, and the Korean Cultural Centre in Budapest had been co-organisers of two exhibitions with MOME in Budapest. The hugely successfully Beyond typography – the prospects of Korean script exhibition was accompanied by a Course Week workshop that sought to explore the symbols and aesthetics that could be used to reinterpret the Korean script.
Similarly, Chung-Ang University has also had previous ties to MOME. This time, MOME not only negotiated a potential new research project tender, but also about launching a collaboration with the Animation programme. In fact, CAU has been closely following MOME’s international success in animation for a long time, and found the launch of the English-language MAs and the Video Game and Immersive Storytelling specialisations of particular interest.
Hongik University and MOME also share a lot of similarities, mostly in the area of object design, and textile and fashion design trainings. For this reason, steps have been taken to establish a student and teacher exchange programme between the two universities.
Namseoul University to the south of Seoul welcomed the MOME delegation as old friends. As part of the spring Course Week last year, graphic design professor of the institution Byoung Il Sun worked with MOME students, and their works were featured at an exhibition on the Korean university’s campus. Rector József Fülöp also gave a lecture here with the title “Made in Hungary” about outstanding talents and their achievements in Hungarian design and graphic design, the history of MOME, and its current activities. Attended by nearly 100 students, the lecture was a huge success, with a great many questions asked by students afterwards. Next, the MOME delegation had the opportunity to view the workshops and student works of the architecture, object design, graphic design, animation and immersive media programmes.
Dongseo University in Korea’s second largest city, Busan, had a particular significance for the visit, Busan being the host city of the World Expo 2030. The ceremonial signature of the official Memorandum of Understanding – the cooperation agreement between the two universities – was followed by a viewing of Dongseo University’s two campuses: the downtown one housing the audiovisual programmes and boasting studios with state-of-the-art equipment, and the other one near the beach which is dedicated to performing arts. Dongseo is also home to the Asia Design Center for Future Research Hub, with a similar activity to MOME Innovation Center, which meant the two organisations also entered into negotiations about a tender collaboration.
An inspirational visit to the Seoul Design Foundation provided extensive information about the Seoul Design Award concept. This year’s competition is open for design entries that contribute to everyday sustainability and the harmony between man and nature. The Korea National University of Arts, collaborating with the most progressive institutions of contemporary art, was another important stop in the journey. Since the university does not yet offer theoretical or manager training, the exchange of experience proved mutually valuable.
The trip also included visits to the Seoul Design Foundation, the Korea Institute of Design Promotion, and the Korea National University of Arts, as well as to the Hungarian Embassy at the invitation of Hungarian Ambassador to Korea István Szerdahelyi.