MOME IxD Camp - Pannonhalma

Date: 2023.08.27
This year’s three-day MOME Interaction Design camp with the theme ’Sacral UX and spiritual design’ was hosted by the Benedictine Pannonhalma Archabbey. In three teams, 26 campers developed interaction prototypes on three topics and presented them on the last day as part of a demo day. 

Organised for digital designers specifically as a retreat from the online space and the material world, the ’detox’ camp has been around since 2016. The first one took place in Balatonkenese, and each successive camp was held in a different location. 

A central concept of the previous camps was the exploration of a local issue by the designer team in an effort to help the host village/town. 
Pannonhalma was first proposed as a location for this year's camp. The themes of sacrality and spirituality were a natural fit for the location and lay outside the comfort zone of most designers. 

In the Benedictine Pannonhalma Archabbey, participants could immerse themselves in thought, meditate, and explore the relationship between design and spirituality, as well as sacrality, using speculative design tools regardless of their religious beliefs. 

At the same time, campers had the opportunity to practice different design methods, exchange ideas with other designers, and experience the power and vibrancy of the Hungarian design community. 
If you are also interested in interactive design, apply to the MOME Open ID course starting in autumn. 

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