MOME Photography in Paris

Date: 2022.11.18
This year’s Paris Photo, the largest international photography fair took place between 10 and 13 November in Paris. Whether at the fair itself or at the accompanying events, the works of our students, teachers and alumni were featured throughout.

For one, our teacher Éva Szombat held a book signing for her latest book I Want Orgasms, Not Roses at the fair. The explicit and not at all prudish series has been published by the Kehrer Verlag. Our external lecturer Anna Fabricius had pieces of her work A Hundred Words and Seven Things exhibited at the booth of TOBE Gallery. Franciska Legát’s Infernal Eden was included in the finalists of the Paris Photo CARTE BLANCHE STUDENTS Award. Our alumna Andrea Gáldi Vinkó also had a book signing at the fair, and presented her book Sorry I Gave Birth I Disappeared But Now I'm Back at the Rupture & Associés Gallery. Krisztián Éder’s solo exhibition and book signing for his book Parallax View took place in New Galerie, while Illés Sarkantyu’s photos were featured at the Galerie La Forest Divonne. A photo by our external lecturer Kata Geibl was reproduced on the cover of Fisheye magazine, and Dániel Szalai’s book Novogen was featured at Polycopies, the independent photobook publishers’ fair.  

It is small wonder that the independent curators and professionals involved in one of the discussions had a highly favourable opinion of MOME Photography alumni. Catalan author, editor, teacher, curator and conceptual artist Joan Fontcuberta, whose work provide a more nuanced take on the relationship between photographs and reality, and Ukrainian curator and director of Odesa Photo Days Festival Kateryna Radchenko also attended the fair, and both has accepted our invitation to the next semester. 

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A stunning video illustrating the evolution of starspots over time on the surface of red giant XX Trianguli (XX Tri) has been produced by data scientists Ádám Radványi and Viktor Varga of the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME). Based on 16 years of observations, researchers from the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) and the Astronomy Institute of the HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences reconstructed the changes in the cooler regions of the star’s surface, known as starspots. The MOME team translated these findings into an engaging data visualisation animation, making this complex phenomenon accessible to a broader audience.

Milyen terápiás hatása lehet egy szép virtuális természeti sétának vagy a kertészkedésnek az immerzív térben? Többek közt ezekre a kérdésekre keresi a választ a MOME FutureCare Labban a Bakk Ágnes Karolina PhD vezetésével zajló Zenctuary VR+ projekt, amely kiemelkedő, közel 1 millió eurós támogatást nyert a Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal HU-rizont pályázatán. Az egészségügyi intézmények számára fejlesztett virtuális természeti környezet, amely a tervek szerint rehabilitációs és diagnosztikai célokat is szolgál, javítani tudja majd a betegek ellátását, az idősek életminőségét, elősegíti a regenerálódást, és csökkenti az egészségügyi dolgozók terhelését.

“It is a great privilege to continue my work as Head of the MOME Doctoral School, an institution synonymous with innovation, creativity, and excellence,” said Professor Ábel Szalontai upon accepting his appointment to lead the Doctoral School until 31 December 2025.
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