MOME Senate takes decisive action on key issues

Date: 2025.02.26
At its extraordinary meeting on Tuesday, the university’s Senate made some important decisions and set deadlines and tasks for itself. MOME’s leadership highlighted that the primary focus is still ensuring stability and creating a reassuring, balanced environment for the university community.

During the meeting, a resolution was passed with the Senate committing to reach a decision regarding the acting rector within two weeks. The next Senate meeting will discuss the Senate Manifesto, in which the body will rethink its operations and role, outlining its key tasks and responsibilities while incorporating lessons learned from the recent period. 

The Senate unanimously initiated an interim review of the ‘University of the Future’ programme. With the university's optimal functioning and interests in mind, it will identify best practices implemented under the ‘University of the Future’ and areas of improvement in the programme.  

Strengthening university autonomy and fostering mutual trust within the community remain the Senate’s key priorities. To this end, the Senate declared its support of the Charter, and began talks with MOME Front and the board of the university’s Foundation. 

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A legjobb rövidfilmnek járó Kristály Medvét (Crystal Bear) nyerte el a MOME Animáció szakán készült diplomafilm Berlinben! Az alkotás arra emlékeztet bennünket, hogy a kommunikáció, a kölcsönös tisztelet és a megértés milyen alapvető és fontos a tiszta emberi léthez, függetlenül attól, hogy mennyire különbözők megéléseink - írta indoklásában a Berlinale Generation 14+ zsűrije, amely a Nemzeti Filmintézet támogatásával készült Wish You Were Ear című animációt ítélte idén kategóriája legjobbjának. A díjat péntek este a 75. Berlini Nemzetközi Filmfesztiválon vehette át a MOME-n 2024-ben végzett alkotó.

The Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) is dedicated to upholding the ethical values that define its community, which include recognising and embracing the diversity of its members. The university places great importance on acknowledging human differences, fostering tolerance in matters of religion and belief, and safeguarding the reputation, dignity, and honour of both the institution and its citizens. Furthermore, it is committed to respecting their personal rights and always acting under the assumption that others' behaviour is similarly guided by ethical responsibility.
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