MOME teacher dr. Petra Aczél received a Bonis Bona lifetime achievement award

Date: 2023.05.29
Over fifty educators from Hungary and the other side of the border received a Bonis Bona – For Talents of the Nation award, including university professor and MOME teacher dr. Petra Aczél, who was granted a lifetime achievement award. The award was founded ten years ago to recognise outstanding talent support work, based on nominations by the community.

Dr. Petra Aczél joined MOME after a stretch of 25 years in higher education, contributing her strategic communication, rhetoric, and media expertise to increase the university’s exposure and help student advancement. She is perhaps the most recognised authority in media and communication studies, specialising in the research and teaching of future skills – the skills and competences students need to succeed. 

She had been teaching at the Corvinus University of Budapest for twelve years, where she was named teacher of the year, before coming to work at MOME. She holds numerous international professional awards including the European Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Social Sciences and Humanities and the Kenneth Rice Reward for Excellence in Teaching. In 2019, she was awarded the Knights’ Cross of the Order of Merit of Hungary.

Bonis Bona, the most prestigious award to be granted for talent management, is offered in four individual categories: Outstanding Talent Management, Outstanding Talent Development, Outstanding Talent Support, and Lifetime Achievement. Altogether 50 professionals received one of the first three, and a total of 7 won the latter.  

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