MOME teacher training students are completing their high school teaching practice

Date: 2023.05.18
School teaching practice has always been an important focus of MOME’s teacher training, as real-life school setting is the best preparation environment for those looking to become a teacher. Each year, MOME’s Design and Visual Arts Teacher programme, which produces 10 graduates, is in great demand, and belongs to teacher training, one of the most popular areas of training.

This year, the closing lessons for teaching practice assessment of our Design and Visual Arts Teacher MA students are taking place between 19 April and 2 May. Just like every year, the closing lessons for teaching practice assessment, completed by each of our graduating students at schools collaborating with our university, involved a variety of professionals. It is a community shaping experience for graduating students to try themselves in general education as well as vocational art training. 

This semester, teaching practice lessons were taught at Eötvös József Secondary School, Fazekas Mihály Training Primary and Secondary School Budapest, Jelky András Applied Arts Secondary School, and the Buda Drawing School. The teacher candidates hold an autonomously planned lesson that is open to all professionals involved to demonstrate their professional and educational competence.

School teaching practice is an important focus of MOME’s teacher training, as real-life school setting is the best preparation environment for those looking to become a teacher. Teaching practice lessons build on the growing pedagogical experience of the students shaped by the direct support provided by high school mentor teachers. They are concluded by a collective professional discussion weighing the relevant pedagogical considerations, with a key message underlining the importance of pedagogical innovation. 

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