MOME to represent Hungary among the most innovative European universities

Date: 2022.06.07


As a result of global challenges facing us, such as climate change or population ageing, Europe has a more pressing need for academic research and innovative solutions than ever. To address this need, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel has launched the Global University Network for Innovation. This is a new forum for the most innovative universities of the European Union to discuss their experience related to education development and to make specific suggestions for the implementation of the European Strategy for Universities and the Strategic Innovation Agenda. 

All member states of the network can nominate a single institution. According to the decision of the Hungarian Government, our country will be represented at this new forum by Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME). 

This decision presents a unique opportunity for expanding MOME’s contact network in Europe and furthering its international reputation, as well as a crucial and compelling confirmation of the efforts made by the university as part of the model change. 

MOME is changing its operational model 

Since August 2020, the 142-year-old Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME), has been operating in a foundation model. As part of the model change, MOME has developed a long-term strategy, reinvented its research and development activity, launched the digitalisation of its internal processes, and proceeded to modernise training. In addition to providing a traditionally high level art and design education, the university will introduce entrepreneurial training for all of its BA students, and launch its first English-language MAs from 2022. In 2021, MOME's budget nearly quadrupled, and the foundation also decided to grant the most substantial pay rise to teachers in the history of Hungarian higher education.

More news

A stunning video illustrating the evolution of starspots over time on the surface of red giant XX Trianguli (XX Tri) has been produced by data scientists Ádám Radványi and Viktor Varga of the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME). Based on 16 years of observations, researchers from the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) and the Astronomy Institute of the HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences reconstructed the changes in the cooler regions of the star’s surface, known as starspots. The MOME team translated these findings into an engaging data visualisation animation, making this complex phenomenon accessible to a broader audience.

Milyen terápiás hatása lehet egy szép virtuális természeti sétának vagy a kertészkedésnek az immerzív térben? Többek közt ezekre a kérdésekre keresi a választ a MOME FutureCare Labban a Bakk Ágnes Karolina PhD vezetésével zajló Zenctuary VR+ projekt, amely kiemelkedő, közel 1 millió eurós támogatást nyert a Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal HU-rizont pályázatán. Az egészségügyi intézmények számára fejlesztett virtuális természeti környezet, amely a tervek szerint rehabilitációs és diagnosztikai célokat is szolgál, javítani tudja majd a betegek ellátását, az idősek életminőségét, elősegíti a regenerálódást, és csökkenti az egészségügyi dolgozók terhelését.

“It is a great privilege to continue my work as Head of the MOME Doctoral School, an institution synonymous with innovation, creativity, and excellence,” said Professor Ábel Szalontai upon accepting his appointment to lead the Doctoral School until 31 December 2025.
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