Projects by MOME students among the top contenders for the START scholarship programme

Date: 2023.02.07
The START scholarship programme of the National Talent Center and Design Terminal has launched again, inviting applications by young talents aged 18-35 who want to contribute their brilliant ideas to benefit Hungarian society and leverage them to build a successful business.

Applications featuring healthcare, social, community development and green solutions are open for a starting capital of HUF 3 million and professional mentoring. Three of the twenty most promising projects of the field featuring a record number of applicants – nearly 250 – were designed by MOME students.  

Team AT LEAST is headed by Róbert Kristóffy, and also includes Nóra Szilágyi and Máté Guthy, all freshly graduated from the MOME Product Design programme. 

Their tilting weight bench concept was inspired by changes in people’s sports habits during the lockdown and could easily fit in with other furniture in small flats. Functioning as a piece of sports equipment during workout, it can double as a hallways bench when not in use.  

The four Product Design BA students of team JUNGLE CITY Johanna Dezső, Sára Fruzsina Nagy, Veronika Antal and Emese Thamó submitted a climate protection design. Their project was designed to reduce the urban heat island effect, anticipated to steadily rise in coming decades, through a green solution. 

The team proposes to make use of the over 500,000 lamp posts scattered around Budapest by installing pots and meshes and planting resistant climbing plants inside to provide a cost-effective solution to address warming in the Hungarian capital.  

The creative mind behind the MALOM PROJECT using recycled plastic to make spectacle frames for visually impaired children is MOME Product Development alumnus Ádám Tóth. 

The large variety of designs and colours can help children embrace wearing glasses. The frames made of plastic waste are not only pretty but also flexible and shatterproof.  

 The National Talent Center provides a starting capital of HUF 30 million to each team to help them start a business, while Design Terminal as a professional collaborating partner supports the young talents by offering intensive business mentoring including the opportunity to learn from outstanding specialists and to effective build a contact network.  

Mentees can learn about enterprise development methodologies, gain HR, sales, branding and marketing, as well as market research and market analysis insights, and even complete assignments such as developing a business plan.  

At the Demo Day event concluding the 8-week programme, the top two teams could win a further HUF 5 million award each.

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