Roger Ballen at the MOME Artist Talk event

Date: 2022.06.08
The world-famous South-Africa-based photographer arrived to Budapest on occasion of his solo exhibition at the Hungarian House of Photography, and on 10 June will provide insights into his unique visual world at the MOME Campus.

This time, Artist Talk, a series by the MOME Photography Department presenting outstanding international photographers, will feature Roger Ballen, who will mostly talk about his video works on 10 June at 6:00 p.m. at MOME Film Studio. The event is organised in collaboration with the Hungarian House of Photography on occasion of the solo exhibition titled BALLENESQUE – THE WORLD ACCORDING TO ROGER BALLEN opening at the Hungarian House of Photography on 7 June 2022.

Ballen is one of the most important photographers of his generation, whose documentary and staged images occupy a unique place in contemporary photography. In his characteristic and sometimes eerie compositions, he explores themes such as chaos, alienation, man's relationship with animals, death, and otherness.

The photographer and geologist was born in New York in 1950 but has been based in Johannesburg, South Africa for over 40 years. Between 1962 and 1967 he was a member of the famous Magnum Photos agency, and went on to found his own photo gallery, Photography House Gallery. He created his unique style termed ‘documentarist fiction’ by him in the 1990s. He has published more than twenty-five books worldwide to date, and he is also successful music video director.

Artist talk MOME /// Roger Ballen
Date and time: Friday, 10 June 2022, 6:00 p.m.
Venue: MOME TWO, Film Studio

Facebook event

Roger Ballen’s exhibition will be on display at the Hungarian House of Photography between 8 July and 21 August. For more information visit the website of the exhibition venue.

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For the fifth consecutive year, the Foundation for Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, serving as the institution’s maintainer, has been actively engaged in driving MOME’s revitalisation. Since 2020, the university’s budget has increased nearly fourfold, and the Foundation implemented the most significant faculty salary increase in the history of Hungarian higher education, while student scholarships and grants have more than doubled and grant income has increased almost twentyfold. Moreover, the university’s pioneering initiatives in sustainability and in supporting talents from disadvantaged backgrounds have become firmly established.
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