SUPERMOTO was presented at the john von Neumann University

Date: 2022.10.03
Project participants included students and teachers from the Vehicle Design programme of the Design Institute of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, and from the Department of Innovative Vehicles and Materials of the GAMF Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science of the John von Neumann University.

The motorcycle, developed under the ProjectSupermoto concept, was designed for both the street and for the road.  

Unique in both technology and form, it was presented on 3 October 2022 at the campus of John von Neumann University. The ceremonial unveiling of the vehicle resulting from the collaborative engineering and product design work of the project participants took place accompanied by a performance of the Kecskemét City Ballet. 

The fully electric-powered motorbike represents the first, definitive milestone in the collaboration and professional relationship between MOME and the John von Neumann University. The key objective of the project was to coordinate the engineering and product design processes and to provide students with hands-on experience in close collaboration between the two fields. 

President of JVNU’s Foundation Norbert Csizmadia underlined the exemplary nature of the initiative in his speech delivered at the event. “It demonstrates that following the joint decision of the two universities and through their joint action and close collaboration, it was possible to create something truly groundbreaking in just a year.” He also highlighted sustainability, the underlying principle behind the motorbike’s development, pointing out how the project represented the first step in the creation of a shared education platform. 

In his speech, President of the Foundation for Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Gergely Böszörményi-Nagy stressed the following: “Today and this moment is the very beginning of this journey. We have very intense weeks and months ahead of us to put this motorbike and our upcoming collaborative projects on the track to commercialisation.” 

At the conclusion of the event, the members of the engineering and design teams behind Supermoto were called to the stage to describe how they, together, were able to create a vehicle promoting green mobility and with the potential to go from concept to marketable product. 

The main sponsor of Project Supermoto is the Pallas Athene Domus Meriti Foundation. 

Technical parameters 
Maximum speed: 100 km/h (depending on the weight and road conditions) 
Average range: at a speed of 40-70 km/h around 100 km 
Engine: 5 Kw performance (11 Kw peak performance) 
Maximum torque: 70 Nm 
Load carrying capacity: 130 kg 


Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design  

András Húnfalvi  
Dániel Ruppert  
Botond Levente Kiss  
Máté Treffler  
Zsolt Szabó  
Kristóf Szilasi  
Péter Wellisch  
Bálint Elek 

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A Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetemért Alapítvány az egyetem fenntartójaként ötödik éve dolgozik a MOME megújításán. Az intézmény költségvetése 2020 óta közel négyszeresére nőtt, a MOME végrehajtotta a magyar felsőoktatás történetének legnagyobb arányú béremelését, a hallgatói ösztöndíjak és támogatások több mint duplájára-, az egyetem pályázati bevételei közel húszszorosára emelkedtek. Felépültek a MOME egyedülálló fenntarthatósági-, és hátrányos helyzetű tehetségeket segítő szerepvállalásai.
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