Technology and human relationships in a post-digital setting: SPOORA

Date: 2024.04.22
Organised by the MOME Animation programme, the event brought together media artists and dancers to explore how technology transforms our personal lives, social interactions, and physical presence.

How does our daily use of the Internet and spending half of our waking moments in the online space using technology affect our identities? In the SPOORA project, media artists and dancers reflected in an interdisciplinary approach on how our tools and avatars become extensions of our selves.

Held at the MOME Film Studio, the performance delved into phenomena like the distortion of intimacy caused by the constant need for stimulation, oversharing, and the resulting sense of physical detachment.

Sponsored by by the National Cultural Fund (NKA), MOME Media Design, SÍN Arts Centre, and the Workshop Foundation, the SPOORA project is a collaborative effort between media artists and dancers organised by the MOME Animation programme.

ARTISTIC DIRECTION: Péter Tóth, Flóra Virág / PERFORMANCE: Flóra Virág, Isaac Butler, Anne Fauro / INTERACTION DESIGN: Viktor Varga / SOUND DESIGN: Barnabás Tóth / 3D ANIMATION: Anna Rósz / SET DESIGN: Zsuzsa Oláh / CONCEPTUAL CONTRIBUTION: Nóra Barna / VIDEO: Gergely Ofner 

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Koós Pál, a Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem rektora, aki 24 éve szolgálja - korábban oktatóként, tanszékvezetőként, rektorhelyettesként, majd rektorként - az intézményt, elkötelezett az elmúlt napokban kialakult helyzet megoldása iránt. Célja a nyugodt, zavartalan munka és oktatás feltételeinek megteremtése, ehhez azonban elengedhetetlen a rektor legitimitásának tisztázása, így a mai napon a saját személyével kapcsolatban bizalmi szavazást kezdeményezett a Szenátusnál.

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For the fifth consecutive year, the Foundation for Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, serving as the institution’s maintainer, has been actively engaged in driving MOME’s revitalisation. Since 2020, the university’s budget has increased nearly fourfold, and the Foundation implemented the most significant faculty salary increase in the history of Hungarian higher education, while student scholarships and grants have more than doubled and grant income has increased almost twentyfold. Moreover, the university’s pioneering initiatives in sustainability and in supporting talents from disadvantaged backgrounds have become firmly established.
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