The Hungarian Product Design and Design Management Awards 2023 were presented

Date: 2023.10.20
This year marks the 44th Hungarian Product Design Award, one of Hungary’s most prestigious accolades in the field of design. The awards, which were available via application to designers, manufacturers, traders, distributors, and clients, went to several professionals who previously graduated from our university.

The awards were presented across the categories of Product, Design, Visual Communication and Student, and special prizes were offered by Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO), the Deputy State Secretariat for Public Collections and Cultural Development of the Ministry for Culture and Innovation (MCI), the Hungarian Design Council, and for the first time, by Árkossy Bútor Kft. (a mentoring special prize).

BOO Studio (Eszter Lebó and  head of MOME Fashion and Textile Design MA Ildikó Kele) received the Product award for their kid and male knitwear made from Merino wool. The Repeta collection by Sára Kele and Anna Cserba recycling waste materials such as construction debris and walnut shells was also awarded in the same category. The RatiNook Car trunk stabilizer designed by founders of the Flying Objects design studio Ferenc Laufer and head of the MOME Mobility Lab András Húnfalvi won the HIPO’s special prize. 

The Design award of the Hungarian Product Design Awards went to MOME alumnus and teacher Ádám Molnár for his FOGAS VISION 360°, a novel cogwheel railway vehicle concept for Budapest. The special prize was awarded to concept owner Dr. Judit Schultheisz and the collaborating Co&Co Designcommunication team (Gergely Hosszú, Tamás Cosovan, Richárd Nagy, Márton Budai and MOME alumnus Balázs Buhala) for the HUPLE medical physiotherapy device designed for the diagnosis, treatment and development of premature infants, or children with abnormal neurological or mobility development. 

The Visual Communication award went to Hunor Kátay, Sebestyén Németh, Szilárd Kovács, Enikő Déri, and MOME alumna Nóra Demeczky for the new visual identity of the Museum of Ethnography designed in a unique process following an intensive workshop with the museum staff over several months. The visual identity effectively reflects the immense cultural wealth of the museum and identifies the museum in itself, without any textual aid, with graphic design elements making clear reference to the dialogue between cultures and generations and the symbiosis with the present day. 

The special award of the Ministry for Culture and Innovation (MCI) went to Noémi Ferenczy Award-winning associate professor and MOME teacher Dóra Balla for Ferry, an experimental collection of papers by 21st Laboratory commissioned by the 21st Laboratory programme of the Foundation for Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design and Gábor Kopek. “The book has a unique look, and explores human creativity and self-development through various papers. It deserved the prize”, Deputy State Secretary for Public Collections and Cultural Development of the MCI Máté Vincze said to the MTI Hungarian news agency. Every detail of the print finishing of the experimental volume is meticulously designed, with a diverse typography offering a high level of creativity in shaping the content. 

The Student award of the Hungarian Product Design Award went to MOME students Blanka Timár for her A\O Lamp Family, and Zsófia Papp for In flower language – Folk art as transgenerational legacy, 
while the At least home weight bench by MOME students Nóra Szilágyi, Róbert Kristóffy and Máté Guthy received the mentoring special prize of Árkossy Bútor Kft. 
The exhibition featuring the Hungarian Product Design and Design Management Award-winning entries is available for viewing between 6 and 15 October during the opening hours of the Museum of Ethnography. 

Photo: Balázs Mohai

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