The MOME community joins flood relief efforts

Date: 2024.09.18
In recent days, our colleagues, faculty, and students have shown just what MOME is capable of when faced with a crisis. This week, volunteers from MOME have been working in Vác, helping fill sandbags to support official agencies in their flood defence efforts along the frontlines. With the emergency situation expected to last several more days, every helping hand is needed, and MOME is once again showing that its strengths lie not only in knowledge, but also in its ability to act swiftly when required.

Upon learning of the dramatic flood situation, university leaders – including the rector, board members, and CEO – immediately called on the MOME community to join forces. A dedicated team of volunteers from MOME’s staff and students quickly came together, with dozens signing up to help within hours. Yesterday and today, they have been starting their day in the Szérűskert area of Vác, where the city has set up a sandbag-filling station, and flood defence efforts are ongoing. 

“We are proud that members of the MOME community are always ready to step up and take responsibility in difficult situations," said Rector Pál Koós. He added that whether it’s flood relief, aiding refugees from war-torn regions, or reforestation, MOME citizens consistently show through their actions how deeply they value joint action, solidarity, and providing help in times of need.

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