The winners of this year’s Stefan Lengyel Scholarship of Excellence have been announced

Date: 2024.03.12
Winning projects include a hearing aid doubling as jewellery, a narrative video game, multimedia visuals, and several revitalisation projects. The certificates were presented personally by the eponym of the scholarship, world-renowned product designer and MOME Professor Emeritus Stefan Lengyel at the awards ceremony, which was a great honour to both the scholarship recipients and the university staff. The sixteen students will receive the scholarship for a period of 5 months to work on further elaborating their concepts.

The Stefan Lengyel Scholarship of Excellence has been awarded for the sixth time to talented MOME students to recognise their outstanding achievements. The winning entries, of which the jury selected sixteen to be further developed, included various experimental projects from the areas of social issues and social design, urban revitalisation and artificial intelligence exploring current issues of our time and seeking sustainable answers.

Winners from the Design Institute include a research project on the relationship between artificial intelligence and knitting/knitting machines, a jewellery design to make hearing aids more attractive, an IoT system for health and safety at home, a project exploring the relationship of patients with anorexia to food and eating, and a concept for a self-driving bus which combines passenger and freight transport.

Winners from the Institute for Theoretical Studies include research projects on modern-day slavery and the changing appearances and function of the monoscope sign, as well as an arts education programme for secondary school students.

The projects of the two winners from the Architecture Institute featured rehabilitation concepts of existing building stock: the participatory rehabilitation of the Fecske mill in Jászberény, and the intriguing possibilities for the reuse of some of the buildings of the Józsefváros Telephone Centre.

Six students from the Media Institute and the Film Industry Knowledge Centre were also awarded the scholarship for projects including a concept for stage visuals, research on György Ligeti's creative approach and unique sound style, as well as on the relationship of man and technology, a concept development project on a virtual space that can be used as a recreational space, and a project exploring the effects of dataism and constantly evolving digital technologies on graphic design.

The awards were presented by professor Stefan Lengyel visiting in person, President of the Foundation Gergely Böszörményi-Nagy, and Rector József Fülöp in an awards ceremony.

Stefan Lengyel is an internationally renowned designer awarded with thirty professional accolades, and credited with designing the iconic Ganz articulated tram and the Calypso tape recorder. As head of the Department of Design at the University of Essen and MOME, he has become one of the most influential figures in German and Hungarian design, influencing generations of designers, many of whom are working as leading professionals at global companies. He has reformed MOME's design education, and launched a collaboration between the University and Mercedes-Benz, providing an opportunity for the past 20 years for Hungarian students to contribute to the design of the cars of the future. In 2008, he received the Hungarian Order of Merit.

In 2020, the Foundation for Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design launched a scholarship named after him. In addition to delivering a material reward to outstanding talents, the scholarship awarded now for the third time also places major focus on advancing the competences and practical experience of students and on their professional integration. Qualifiers are voted into the first round by students and instructors, and following a pre-screening, the winners are selected by a jury of university leaders, instructors and external specialists in proportion to number of students studying at each institute.

The list of winners:

Design Institute:

Eszter Kain I Bugs in the system

Fashion and Textile Design I MA2 I Supervisors: Ildikó Kele, Dóra Tomcsányi


Balázs Ágoston Kiss I Hearing aid Jewellery

Designer-Maker I BA3 I Supervisors: Dóra Rea Kövér, Kálmán Tarr


Nóra Szilágyi I EVE – Alarm System

Design I MA1 I Supervisors: Péter Vető,  Bernhard Geisen


Zoltán Zoboki - He is currently participating in the non-public phase of a international design competition, preventing his work from getting any publicity anywhere else. As soon as permitted by the competition policy, the project will be presented.

Product Design I BA2 I Supervisor: István Keszei


Dorottya Vértessy I Twisted and distorted reality

Ceramic Design I MA2 I Supervisor: Edit Kondor



Institute for Theoretical Studies:

Emese Bukovinszky I What can social design do to help combat modern slavery in the countryside?

Art and Design Management I MA2 I Supervisors: Gábor Ébli, Kinga German


Enikő Szentiványi-Székely I Monoscope

Design Theory I MA1 I Supervisor: Attila Horányi


Fruzsina Takáts I Who are you? – Complex educational programme to improve self-awareness

Art and Design Management I MA1 I Supervisors: Anikó Illés, Andrea Pallag



Architecture Institute:

Kristóf Lipótzy I Reuse of the Józsefváros Telephone Centre building complex  

Architecture I MA1 I Supervisors: Zsófia Csomay, Balázs Marián


Zalán Fazekas I Jászberény Cultural Centre

Architecture I BA3 I Supervisors: Gergely Barcza, Csaba Kovács



Media Institute and the Film Industry Knowledge Centre:

Péter Bunford I Too Deep to Wander

Animation I MA1 I Supervisor: Dániel Daoud


Zoi Dontasz I Pneuma

Photography I BA3 I Supervisors: Éva Szombat, András Ladocsi


Calla Bettina Ernst I Multimedia visual design – Duke Bluebeard’s Castle

Media Design I MA2 I Supervisor: Csaba Antal


Csongor Boldizsár Nagy I Spike

Media Design I MA1 I Supervisors: Dániel Cseh, Halák László


Ágnes Petrucz I Thinking with data and in code: Dataism and creative coding as a potential design toolkit

Graphic Design I MA2 I Supervisors: Antal Lakner, Tamás Marcell


Sáringer Anna I Ligeti100

Graphic Design I MA1 I Supervisors: Tamás Marcell, Ábris Gryllus 

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